
Within my discussions I may appear to take certain “sides” of a discussion, I will appear to have certain beliefs and be appearing to defend them. I make no claim to any immutable beliefs.

My goal is not changing anyone’s beliefs, but to simply help us to look at the origin of them. Show life from a new perspective.

I welcome any and all feedback, disagreements, opinions, viewpoints, and thoughts.

(Index on Bottom of Page)

Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

I Need You

I need you and you need I. There can be no I without you. Myself and yourself walk hand in hand. I wouldn't exist without you, and you without I. I want you because I need you and you want I because you need I. There is no I and there is no you; there is only what is. 
Humans created langue to communicate. Langue is what appears to separate humans and cause duality. Communication within a langue requires opposites for comparison to comprehend. You and I, positive and negative, good and evil, man and woman. Opposites only exist within langue. In reality there are no opposites, there is just what is. Think of a form in the natural world and look for an opposite of that form. The opposite would be no-thing, which terrifies most of us. Nouns don't have opposites. Nouns are words for forms within the natural world and even those are made up. 
I need you, I hate you, I Love you, I miss you, I want you, I despise you. We need each other in order for our ego/identity to exist. See past the illusion of you and I; see past the illusion of duality. See past the ego/identity. Give up I and you and see there is only one. All is one. There is no I and there is no you. There is no us. Everything just is. 
We can't understand white without black or man without woman or positive without negative or good without evil. Humans live in duality. Some humans live as good as others as evil. Some humans are positive, and others are negative. It's all a matter of perspective and opinion, which side we live on.
We fear what we perceive as opposite. The moral fear the evil never once realizing that if there were no evil there would be no morals. You can't be a good moral righteous human without evil humans. If all evil humans vanished in the blink of an eye, so would the moral humans. There would be no one to "save" from evil, hence no need for morality. Morality is the cause of evil, and evil the cause of morality.
The only reason you need "another" is because your ego/identity would vanish without "another". Give up the need for "another" and you give up yourself. Give up yourself and you give up the need for "another".
Give up the "I" and the "you" and you can truly live and be free. Duality is a prison in which we are all caged. Duality was created with langue, but it can vanish with you and I. Give up yourself. Give up every concept and belief that your ego/identity holds so tightly to. The ego/identity doesn't want you to be free. The ego/identity relies on separation and duality; therefore, you will always feel alone within duality. Give up the ego/identity and you will never feel alone again. You will see separation and loneliness for what they are which is an illusion.
You (ego/identity) are alone, and you (ego/identity) always will be, as long as you (ego/identity) exist. When you (ego/identity) die, you see that you could never be alone and never were since you (ego/identity) never existed in the first place. There is no death, there is only life. The real you is life, not your ego/identity. Since you (ego/identity) don't exist, you can't die; there is no you (ego/identity) to die. Death only exists to ego/identity. Life continues on when your ego/identity dies. Most humans choose to hold onto their ego/identity until the physical body perishes, at which point the life that you truly are continues on in another form. It is not you (ego/identity) that get reincarnated into another form, it is the life within you that get reincarnated into another form. There is no you (ego/identity) to go to heaven or hell as heaven and hell are psychological states of the human mind (part of duality). Love and Peace!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

No One Knows Anything

Originally published 04-28-2023

Does anyone ever stop to think that the reason humanity came up with religion, science, philosophy, and every other idea or belief we have is simply to explain life itself.
Religion says we have a soul and that is where our life source is. Science says the universe is our life source. Philosophy says you are the life source.
If you meditate on the concept of life very deeply, you discover just how absurd it all really is. You discover that none of this is logical at all. What the hell is life? What is a soul? None of this makes any sense at all. We’re all just magical invisible souls floating around in a meat bag full of bones and blood made up of 7 octillion (that’s 27 zeros) atoms. 
We all choose what we want to believe. That begs the question as to why do we dive into those beliefs like that’s all that matters? So many of us are missing out on this magnificent and beautiful existence we have right here, right now. We should all stop being so worried about where we came from, where we’re going, and how it all came to be.
Do we honestly believe that God would want us to sit around and debate everything and fight about it all the time? Isn’t God supposed to be peaceful? Isn’t God supposed to be forgiving? Isn’t God supposed to be Loving? Isn’t God supposed to be all knowing? Isn’t trying to force our beliefs on others kinda the opposite of the very essence of who God is?
God’s mission in the Torah (first five books of the Bible) isn’t to convert everyone to a specific religion. If you read closely, it’s a story of a God who never abandons his chosen people, even when they ignore him, doubt him repeatedly, and do stupid shit like worshiping a pile of gold that was made into the form of something.
There are two words or phrases in the Bible more than any other but for some reason no one talks about these two very often. The first is “Love”, the second is “fear not” or also stated as “do not be afraid”. Seems like maybe God might’ve been telling us not to be worried about anything and to just Love everyone.
The only thing that separates humans from the rest of existence is humans are the only ones talking about life instead of just living it. Yes I see the irony in this post where I’m talking about not talking about life. Next will be the talk about talking about not talking about talking about life and we keep going with that cycle until we all die, or we choose to just stop playing the game. Love and Peace!
“I know that I know nothing” - Socrates.
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Life Is Full Of Mistakes

Originally published 05-03-2023

Life is one big mistake. Not a mistake in the sense of life being wrong or that life shouldn't be. I'm simply referring to the fact that everything that we do and everything that happens are all mistakes. Life cannot exist without mistakes. Life and mistakes are one in the same, you cannot have one without the other.
Let's examine this theory by starting at the time of conception. If we could make conception happen naturally at any given time and have the ability to pick the exact time in which we will conceive, unplanned pregnancies wouldn't be a thing, neither would abortion or IVF. The truth is that no one can plan when a conception of life will take place, there are methods that are used to "improve" the odds, but ultimately it all comes down to chance or a mistake.
After we are born, we have to learn how to eat food. All children make plenty of mistakes learning how to eat, chocking on occasion, just enough to convince the parents their child will never make past their youth. We learn how to crawl then walk, both of which are filled with a plethora of mistakes, which is why we all rejoice when a child finally does walk after many failed attempts. We learn how to speak while making all sorts of mistakes by mispronouncing.
Heading off to school we learn the curriculum which is nothing but mistakes. If there weren't any mistakes, wouldn't every kid just get all A's and leave grading utterly pointless? Moving on to the adult world we get jobs and have to learn those, making so many mistakes we feel like we're going to get fired our first day, after only a few days we start to get the hang out if and eventually the mistakes disappear when we become familiar with our duties. Relationships are just one failed attempt after another, trying to find the correct person and situation which works best for everyone.
Anyone who has ever learned a new skill knows just how many mistakes they have made in their life just trying to acquire that skill. People with great skills are worshipped and adored because a big portion of humanity believes those are superhuman abilities. The truth is we only see the skill that was acquired through millions of mistakes, we don't look behind the curtain to see the hundreds of hours put into that skill. 
Obviously for the sake of time, it's impossible to go through every scenario in life to show the evidence of its being nothing but mistakes, we went with just a few examples, and you can feel free to explore this theory on your own time. You may ask just what's the point that we are getting to? Let me tell you. Since life is nothing but mistakes, wouldn't it make sense that our mind or set of beliefs act in the same way in which the physical word does. Children make plenty of mistakes in their belief system, the adults correct them and guide them to the correct beliefs to the best of their ability.
We all tend to reach a point in our development when we start believing all of our beliefs to be the "truth" unconditionally. Some of us go so far as to try to get others to believe the same way, the more people that share your beliefs, the more those beliefs are enforced. I myself have tried to force my belief onto others. For some of us, we will choose to live our entire life out, never abandoning our beliefs and go to the grave never having made a mistake with our beliefs. For others, they choose to find those mistakes in their beliefs and grow. The truth is that we will never get better at anything without making mistakes. We will never grow if we aren't willing to make mistakes. Love and Peace!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel


One of the hardest ideas I ever had to accept was that I was the only one responsible for my life and everything in it. It was also one of the greatest ideas I ever accepted. Blame is shifting our own responsibilities onto someone or something else. The truth is there is no one else to blame. All misery and suffering are self-inflicted. It's so much easier to blame someone or something else for our misery. 
What about things out of our control, like war, famine, poverty, disease, and abuse?

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. - Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Prayer

The serenity prayer doesn't just apply to people with addictions, it applies to everyone. Anything within our ability to change, we can do so. Honestly, there is very little that is actually out of our control. There is always a solution to all of our problems which includes accepting the problem while learning and growing from it. The reason so many of us try to control "others" and situations "outside" ourselves is because we are not taking control over our own lives or our mental and emotional wellbeing. 
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake. Satan (Lucifer) is always to blame for a lot of us. Anything that goes wrong is Satan's fault, he's always to blame. We blame our ancestors and parents for generational trauma, guilt, and shame. We blame our bosses and/or coworkers for being miserable at work. We blame our teachers for teaching us wrong information. We blame politicians and world leaders for the quality of our lives. We blame our spouses/partners or our children for misery in our home life. We blame our abusers for our trauma. We blame spiritual leaders for showing us the wrong path and leading us astray. We blame everyone and everything that we believe to be separate from ourselves.
We have no one and nothing to blame but ourselves. We have the power and ability to change any situation we face. We have the power and ability to be whoever we want to be. We have the power and ability to let go of all of our "problems". Absolutely no one has power over you or your life, you are the only one that does. Instead of facing that fact, we blame and stay in misery and suffering. We choose misery and suffering. No matter what is happening to you at any given time, nothing and no one can ever touch your true self or essence. No one can ever reach inside of you and touch your soul/spirit/life force/energy.

"What you accumulate can be yours, it can never, ever be you," said Sadhguru. "What you call as my body is an accumulation of the food that we eat a certain way. What you call as my mind is an accumulation of impressions and information that you have gathered... So right now people are going around with this fundamental flaw in their perception of who they are. What they have accumulated has become them, who they are has been lost."

Your body can be beaten, abused, neglected, diseased, or dying and it doesn't ever affect your true nature. Your mind can be manipulated, controlled, brainwashed, and tortured and it doesn't ever affect your true nature. Your body and mind are not your true nature, they are not you. Who you truly are can never be affected by anyone or anything. It's because we believe ourselves to be our bodies and/or our minds that we believe "others" can have an effect on us and therefore we have the desire to blame "others".
When you find your true self, you see that no one and nothing has ever hurt you or ever will. You see that you have never done anything "wrong" and neither has anyone else. You see that everything is perfect exactly the way it is and always will be. Blame and duality vanish, having never been there in the first place. Love and Peace!
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Dr. Stephen Abdiel Dr. Stephen Abdiel

Love Comes From Within

This is related to an earlier post found here: https://thehangout.space/discussions-1/what-is-love

How do we Love selflessly? By Loving ourselves unconditionally. It is only possible to Love selflessly when you Love yourself completely. When we are in need of something or want something, we cannot Love selflessly. When we provide ourselves with everything that we want and need, we no longer need "others" to fill that void within ourselves.
We all have the voice in our head. Most of us fight that voice so it becomes our enemy. If you have to live with the voice in your mind; wouldn't you rather it be your friend than your enemy? How do you turn the voice into your friend? Stop fighting it first of all. Be sympathetic towards it. When the voice talks, just listen unjudgmentally. Treat the voice as you would a very dear friend or family member. When you treat the voice in your mind with respect and kindness, you are able to see that the voice was never your enemy. If the voice is coming from inside your mind, how could it possibly be your enemy? That voice is in fact you talking to yourself. 
We talk to ourselves for all sorts of reasons. We might not feel like we can say certain things out loud. We may not want to say certain things because we know it may hurt who we say them to. We may be embarrassed or ashamed of certain things. We know that our interpretations will be misperceived and on and on. Since we have things that we don't feel we can say out loud, we hide them and say them to ourselves. The issue that arises is when we don't listen to ourselves either. We fight the voice in our mind, not realizing that it's only there because it wants to be heard and no one is listening. When we take the time and put in the energy to listen to ourselves and what we have to say, the voice quiets down. Have a conversation with yourself, Love yourself, forgive yourself, and respect yourself. When you do these things, you will realize there is no voice in your mind separate from you, it's just you, who else could it be? 

I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can

- Flowers by Miley Cyrus

Do all the things for yourself that you wish someone else would do for you. Yes, it's always nice when someone does something nice for you, but when we rely on someone else to do things for us that we want them to do, we usually end up waiting for a long time. Most people do what their idea of nice is for us instead of what we consider to be nice. Take yourself to a concert, buy yourself something that you want, have a movie night and sleepover with yourself, or bake yourself some cookies. Just treat yourself how you want to be treated, instead of waiting for someone else to do it. In this way you become self-reliant and don't need anyone else to Love you, since you Love yourself so completely. When someone else does something nice for you, and Loves you, it is simply an added bonus. Extra Love on top of the Love you give yourself. 
Most of us wouldn't dream of saying anything mean to our Loved ones. Most of us would stand up for someone close to us if someone was saying means things about them. Yet, we say all sorts of horrible things to and about ourselves and don't bat an eye. We say things like "I'm not good at that", "I'm broken", "I'm so stupid", "I'm so clumsy", "I can't do anything right", and "nobody likes me". If you talk to your best friend like that, they may not be your friend long, but when you talk to yourself like that, there's nowhere you can go, you can't leave your own mind, although many of us try. A lot of us practice self-bullying and self-hatred instead of self-encouragement and self-Love. 

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.

– Anonymous

When we practice self-Love, we no longer rely on someone else to provide Love. When we practice self-Love, we are able to start Loving "others" selflessly. When we practice self-Love, we can see past the perceived duality of our mind and into the oneness that is. We no longer see "friend" or "enemy", we no longer Love "others" based on their treatment of us, we simply Love "others" because we are able to see how little Love they give themselves. People who Love themselves, treat others with kindness and compassion, having been in that same position themselves and having more than enough to give to "others". People who don't Love themselves, need "others" to give them that Love and aren't usually very kind to "others". People who don't Love themselves, feel like they are lacking Love and therefore have very little to give to anyone else. Love and Peace!
If there is fear without, it is due to fear within
If there if Love without, it is due to Love within
Fear within is simply an illusion caused by a perceived threat within
Love within is steadfast and ceaseless
Fear is a contradiction to Love
There is only Love or fear and one of them is an illusion
- Stephen Abdiel
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