Wake Up!

“My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live in a state of constant total amazement.” - John Patrick Shanley

"Most of the world is either asleep or dead." - Thomas Merton

“I awoke, only to see that the rest of the world is still asleep.” - Leonardo da Vinci

"I was asleep, but my heart was awake." - Song of Solomon 5:2

"In an Insane World, it is the Sane who are called crazy." - Lumalee

The human world that most of us live in can be considered a matrix or a dream or an illusion. If you're anything like me, you didn't seek out the spiritual path, it just came to you one day and you don't know why. The universe kept telling me that I was dreaming and the world that I saw was not the real world. Boy howdy did that ever get me terrified. I had no idea what the hell that meant. I kept thinking I was going to wake up in another reality or world just like in the matrix movie. I thought I was going to die in this world and wake up in heaven. I thought I was going to go insane for eternity. Basically, anything I could imagine became real to me. I couldn't understand what the hell anyone meant when they said the world is a dream and you're asleep. 
I couldn't ever find anyone to just explain it to me like I was five. Just plain and simple without the spiritual mumbo jumbo bullshit. I just wanted someone to explain it to my logical thinking brain how I was supposed to wake the hell up from this supposed dream that I was living in. Since I couldn't find anyone who would just explain it to me and let me decide if I even wanted to wake up from this dream or not. I had no choice but to figure out how to wake up myself and then if I didn't like it, I could always fall back asleep if I wanted to. I didn't have a teacher, a master, or a guide. I just had myself and that was all I needed. Now I can explain what the dream is and how to wake up to "others". Then you can decide if you would want to wake up or not, you are the only one that can decide. We will all wake up eventually but you get to decide for yourself what you want. Noone will force you to wake up if you don't want to.
So, what the hell is this dream we are all living in? Anything made by humans. I'll explain as plain and simple as I can, the dream is made by humans. It is every word, idea, thought, concept, form and belief that man has created. It is your belief about yourself and the world. You can't see the awakened world through your belief of what the world is. The awakened world can't be put into words, it is beyond anything words can say about it. Words aren't real. God the ultimate creator gave human the ability to create also. Human created the world humans live in with the word. The human world is created upon rules, laws, concepts, and ideas. Everything that human has made is part of the dream, including time, wealth, social hierarchy, relationships, buildings, vehicles, cages, etc. etc. etc. Yes, we can physically touch human made physical objects, they won't suddenly disappear when you wake up, they just aren't part of the awakened world.
What is it like to be awake from the dream? Our physical body remains in this world, we don't transport to another reality or dimension. People who are awake, live in the same world as those who are asleep. It's just a different perspective. Think of those 3d art posters, when you stand back it looks like one picture, when you move closer and focus your eyes just right, you can see another picture. The other picture was always there in the original, you just couldn't see it. The awakened world works the same way, it's simply a change of perspective. The biggest differences is you no longer see duality or separation when you're awake. You see past the illusion of the ego. You have eternal peace and release from fear and suffering. Just to clarify, when people talk about freedom from fear and suffering, it's not meant that fear and suffering just vanish from your life suddenly when you become enlightened enough. Fear and suffering are still there, you just learn to accept them and when you accept them, there is no longer fear or suffering. You have to put the work in, to be free from fear and suffering.
How do I wake up? Sadly, there is no answer to this question as of yet. The truth is not a lot of humans have woken up. The earlier humans who woke up were considered messiahs or prophets and some of our current religions were inspired by them. In the future, enough humans will have woken up from the dream that we will have enough data to see if there is an easy method for waking us up that works for most humans. In the even further future of humans, we will all be awake, and no one will be asleep anymore. We have methods that help us to wake up, but the truth is that at this time, it seems to be pretty random as to who decides to wake up and who doesn't.
One proven method that helps is meditation, there is a reason most religions incorporate some form of meditation into the religion. Meditation does not guarantee that you will wake up, but you will at least be happier and calmer. Ultimately, it's about trusting yourself, and following your gut. Since everyone is living their own individual "separate" dream while having collective dream with everyone else, someone who is still dreaming can't tell another person how to wake up while they are still dreaming themselves. We all live in a collective dream, almost like a dream within a dream. Yes, you can be many levels deep in the dream of human, don't worry though, it doesn't matter how deep you are, you will wake up if you really want to. Nothing and no one can stop you from waking up but you.
Do I have to wake up or can I keep dreaming? You do not have to wake up. If you enjoy living in the world of human and playing by all the rules of the dream, feel free to stay asleep. I will say that every human that has woken up all say that waking up is worth it. I myself was terrified for most of the process. Eventually I got exhausted from being afraid all the time and let go of fear, I decided I would let whatever happen to happen and I was just going to accept it. I let go of everything and everyone. It was only then that I woke up.  "In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples." - Luke 14:33. You don't have to give up anything, most of us all have things or people we don't want to give up. Whatever you cling to in the human made dream world binds you to the dream. If you want to wake up from the dream you have to give up every part of the dream. As long as you still enjoy the dream, you won't want to wake up, you get what you want.
How do I tell if someone if awake or if they are still asleep? Trust your gut. When you are in the dream, everything can be really confusing. The only person you can truly trust is yourself. You are the only one who knows yourself. You'll know when someone is helping you and you'll also know when someone is trying to force you to do something that benefits them.  The truth is, when we decide to wake up, the universe will give us everything that we need, including any people we might need. Just because someone may be dreaming themselves, doesn't mean the universe can't use them as a method of helping you wake up. 
I truly hope this clears the subject up at least a little bit for you. If you want to stay asleep and continue being part of the collective human dream, I wish you the best. Those of us who are awake will be here right next to you looking out for you while you are still dreaming. If you decide you would like to wake up, all I can say is hold on for the ride of your life baby! The awakening process is very much like a metaphorical roller coaster, some of you may already understand this statement. No need to fear though, it may seem terrifying at times, and you may feel insane at times, but I promise you that you are safe, no harm can come to you, and you will make it through. I Love You and Peace Be With You!


