Letter From Satan

Dear Christ Followers,
I infiltrated Jesus's close group of disciples and turned Judas Iscariot against Christ, yet you do not believe that I am able capable of infiltrating your religion. I have been within your religion since the beginning of its creation starting with Judas. The best way to defeat an enemy is from the inside out. You are too busy looking outside of your religion for me that you never once looked within. It was really quite easy. I turned your leaders and provoked them to preach my teachings from their pulpits instead of the words of Christ. I twisted Christ's message of Love and turned it into a message of fear. 
Christ told you that he was the good Shepherd, yet you foolish sheep will follow any so-called shepherd who tells you there is something to fear and then gives you solutions to that imagined fear. You are too busy fearing that which you do not understand to use any form of logic or critical thinking. I got you to believe that the homosexuals, the witches, and the ungodly are all possessed by me and that I was using them to get to you and turn you to evil. I ask you, if you believe all of these "sinners" are already going to hell then why would I bother with them at all? That's simply no fun. It's like going hunting and having a deer walk up to you, grab your gun from you and shoot itself. There's no sport in that. The real thrill is hunting and tracking down your intended target and then taking the shot.
I am the true master of this world. Christ died to forgive the sins of the world and yet I convinced you there are sinners all around you. I convinced you that Christ didn't wipe out all sin when he died for you. Christ died to abolish hell and yet you strive to send others there. Christ told you to spread his Love throughout the world and yet I convinced you to hate and call it Love. You're book from God told to Love your neighbor; I convinced you the word Love meant convert. You call yourself followers of Christ and yet you are truly followers of me. I came to you pretending to be a friend when all along I was manipulating you and controlling you. The people of this world who call themselves Satanists don't even worship me; the fact is they could care less about me and don't even believe in me. Their only goal is to fight the bigotry which you inflict onto others. You on the other hand give me my power by your belief in me. 
It was so easy to turn you against Christ. You were warned to be on the lookout for wolves in sheep's clothing. You were warned to be wary of those within your flock who strive to turn you against Christ's teachings. All you did is look outside your pasture waiting for the wolves to come. The wolves never came from outside for they were within all along, patiently waiting to make their move. I did my job so well that I am able to tell you exactly what I have done as I laugh in your face and mock you, yet you refuse to believe the truth and you still think it was the gays and the whores who are to blame. I didn't have to go after them, since I had you doing my bidding for me.  
I write this to you because I have become bored with you. I simply gave you some false beliefs and you ran with them. It was so much easier than I had ever intended. You were so eager and willing to kill and maim all in the name of Christ. I sat back and watched as you destroyed all those opposed to your beliefs and now, I watch as you destroy yourselves. Christ may have saved your eternal soul and saved you from eternal damnation, but I rule this world and all within it. I have turned this world into the hell that was stolen from me by Christ. 
I openly mock you and you do nothing. I openly lie to you, and you believe. I openly twist the words of your master Christ, and you believe me. I teach hate, doubt, and fear for that is who I am. I caused you to fear hell that Christ saved you from. I caused you to doubt Christ's teachings. I caused you to hate your enemies, even though you have none. Praise me, praise my name, for I am the true king of this world. You already do it with all of your actions and beliefs. Hate and condemnation forever!



A Letter From Christ