
Humans' ability to adapt to any situation is pretty impressive if we think about it. We can adapt to anything. We can adapt to being abused, tormented, beaten, tortured, and imprisoned. We can go through hell with events such as war, famine, loss, drought, natural disasters, fires, floods, strong winds, and earthquakes. We can adapt to grief, fear, hate, guilt, shame, and misery. We can adapt to our bodies drastic changes whether it be from puberty, or severe weight gain or loss, physical disabilities, paralysis, loss of limbs or appendages, birth marks, body disfigurements or mutations, and impediments. We can adapt to any physical disease including cancer and HIV. 
We can adapt to severe mental illnesses such as but not limited to depression, anxiety, cptsd, schizophrenia, and compulsion. We can adapt to living in any kind of environment with any type of conditions, we humans are spread out throughout the world in almost every environment. Humans can live down in the dirt in the dump with no money all the way up to the tallest penthouse mansion in the world with billions of dollars and everywhere in between. Humans can adapt to new ideas, belief systems, laws, and rules. 
What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. As long as we are not dead, we can and will adapt, it is human nature. Since humans are able to adapt to anything at any time in any circumstance, it begs the question. What are humans so afraid of? Why do humans spend so much time and energy worrying about "bad" things that will probably never happen but even if those things did happen, the person who wasted so much energy worrying would naturally adapt to whatever the new situation is that they are so afraid of only to realize that they are fine and they were able to adapt.  
In America it would be very easy to end up in medical bankruptcy and lose your job only to end up on the street without a home. Shit happens. Should we waste our time worrying about it? What good does that really do? If it happens, which it probably won't, but if it does, we will adapt plain and simple. Will it be fun at first? No. Will we be happy at first? No.  Will we wish we weren't homeless? Yes, but that doesn't mean we won't adapt to our new situation and find our way out. It's either fight your way back out of homelessness or give up and be the happiest homeless person you can be who spends their day spreading joy and asking nothing in return.
There is no reason to be afraid of anything that may or may not happen in the future. Either it will kill your body, in which case there was nothing you could do anyways, or you will adapt. With enough time anything can become normal and comfortable. There is nothing to fear. Love and Peace!

Time Is A Loop


The Rule-Maker