When I Die

When the sword of nothingness ends my life, I will laugh at those who mourn my death. - Rumi

When I die, I'll shed this worn and tattered body. For those around me who are still using their bodies, I will appear to have gone away. For me it will be no different than what I have always known. I will simply blink and continue on. When I die there shall be no grieving for things lost since there is no loss. My body shall be placed in the ground to be returned to its mother from whence it came. My body becoming nourishment for mother after being nourished by her throughout its stay in this world.
Those who know me best will be by my side. When I die, those who have already left their bodies behind and who have never left me will be there. Those who are still using their bodies will grieve my body's touch and smile. They will shed tears of joy over the loss of the body, but that grief will soon be replaced with joy by the wisdom that tells them I haven't gone anywhere and am still with them. 
When I die, I will be dancing on my own grave. Dancing for joy, dancing for the beauty of it all, and dancing for Love. When I die, I want those who know me best to party along with me. Death is a celebration, not a gloomy affair. When I die, I send an open invitation to anyone who would like to party with me. Smoke your weed, drink your wine, sing, dance, be joyous, play music, have sex and eat to your hearts content. Life is beautiful and mysterious and is a miracle.
When I die, I will still be here patiently waiting for those who come along after me. Love and Peace!

We should say farewell to our loved ones with no more grief than would be natural were they starting on a long journey on which they would be absent a number of years, for we will see them again, when we follow them, just as surely as on earth if we journeyed to their new home.

- Curtiss

Realms of the Living Dead



