
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." — Albert Einstein

Intuition is a powerful and useful tool that we all have. Intuition guides us and teaches us. Intuition knows what to do at all times. Intuition can be referred to as inner knowing, inner guide, conscience, sixth sense, or gut feeling. We all have intuition; we all know about it but the majority of us trust our logical brain over our intuition and suffer as a result. Our logical brain doesn't have all the necessary information in order to make an accurate prediction. Our logical brain does it's best to prepare us for events and situations but is ill-equipped to do so. 
Our intuition on the other hand is connected with the entirety of the universe and has all knowledge and information available at all times through our collective unconscious. Our intuition doesn't use logic and therefor seems to go against our logical thinking brain. When we listen to and trust our intuition, we will always know what to do in any given situation. Our intuition is always with us and always ready to guide us.
Many of us of don't trust our intuition. We prefer the perceived safety and comfort of our logic failing to see that our logic often gets us into predicaments. Our intuition will never get us into any predicaments of any kind.
The hard part is learning to not only listen to our own intuition but also to trust it, especially when our logical brain is telling us the opposite. It gets even harder when other people are telling you the opposite, or when it seems like everyone is telling you one thing and your intuition is telling you the opposite. Very often we opt to trust the group instead of our intuition and we are never aware of what we missed out on.
Intuition is our friend, that's not to say that the logical brain is our enemy. Our logical brain is meant to be a tool that is used in harmony along with our intuition. Too often our logical brain is seen as the only tool. Our intuition wants what we want which is to be safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous. Our intuition is a built-in safety system and cannot do any harm to us in anyway.   
Our intuition guides us to be the best version of ourselves, living the best life possible. Our intuition will even help us avoid minor inconveniences and annoyances if we learn to listen to it well enough. If we practice listening to our intuition long enough, we are able to see it is still with us even when we are dreaming in our sleep. Our intuition lets us know when something is going to harm us or cause stress even if we are the ones doing it to ourselves.
A prodigy is simply someone who listens to their intuition. We all have the ability to do anything within the human range of possibilities and we all have access to that ability through our intuition which is why is it often children who are considered prodigies. Children have not yet been led to trust the logical brain over their intuition yet. When they learn to trust the logical brain over their intuition quite often they become an average adult. Only a tiny few become creative adult “geniuses.” If a child prodigy continues to trust their intuition over their logical brain, their lives sore to astronomical heights that were previously thought impossible. 
Noone knows of a way to teach someone how to be a prodigy which is because being a prodigy comes from intuition and no one can teach you how to use your intuition. What we should be doing instead is stop putting logic over intuition and everyone would naturally be a prodigy, simple as that. 
Why are we taught to put so much trust into our logical brain over our intuition? Humans logical brain can't conceive of our intuition since our logical brains use our five senses for the information that it has and because our intuition works outside the boundaries of our five senses, our logical brain can't make sense of it. Therefor our logical brain tells us that it is inaccurate or lacking or just plain non-existent.
When we first start trusting our intuition over our logical brain, we may start to feel like we are going insane. Our entire world can be turned upside down and inside out but as long as we keep trusting our intuition, eventually those feeling will pass, and we will achieve homeostasis. The reason this happens is due to our logical brain using logic against us when we have believed it was being used for us. We trust logic so much that it can be very hard to put our trust into something else over our logic.
Some of us even believe that we are using our intuition when we choose to believe in certain ideologies or faiths when in actuality, we are completely blinded to our intuition all together. Our logic has convinced us that our faith is so real that it is actually coming from our intuition which causes us to completely ignore our intuition altogether. The truth is our intuition may be screaming at us the opposite of what our so-called faith says. This creates an internal conflict on a massive scale.
Our intuition only tells us what to do on a personal level. Our intuition doesn't tell us what someone else should be doing or who someone else should be, that's just ego and our ego resides inside our logical brain. Since the ego resides within the logical brain, it is part of it and therefor can't be trusted as a true source of wisdom. Our intuition will only help and heal and will never harm anyone which applies to every living being. If your intuition is telling you to change, control, or harm another living being, that is not your intuition, that is your ego.
Our intuition leads us to help, heal, guide, comfort, and Love all living beings since it is part of the collective unconscious. Our intuition wants the same for us as it wants for all other life which is for the health and comfort of all. Our logical brain's purpose is individual survival in the physical realm, so it places the survival of itself above all else. That is how the ego arises and gains strength. When intuition comes first, the ego naturally dissolves, intuition conflicts with the desire of the ego since the ego is only self-serving. Love and Peace!

The Message

