
Everyone is "enlightened", everyone is a buddha (awakened), and everyone is Christ (God's perfect son). We are all simply pretending that we don't know this fact.  Humans were given the gift of imagination; we use our imagination to create a collective dream. A dream in which we have rules, laws, and societal standards. We humans Love to dress up and pretend to be someone else, Halloween is a prime example of playing dress up. We have actors that play roles in movies and characters that play roles in books. We all know that our favorite movie character is just a fictional character and yet we Love them just as if they were a real person. We Love the character just as much as the actor, sometimes we Love the character more than the actor that plays the character. 
Each and every one of us have a role that we play in this world. We wear costumes and masks in this world. We all wear different costumes in the world. Some of the costumes that we wear include "parent", "athlete", "doctor", "nerd", "guru", "paramedic", "lawyer", "enlightened" and so on, pretty sure you get the point. We also wear masks on top of our costumes, masks can include "anger", "grief", "sadness", "joy", "contentment", "judgement", "innocence", "evil" yada, yada, yada. We are perfect, eternal beings that are living in heaven. We created the world we live in to mix things up. We like to use our imagination to feel things, we watch horror movies to feel afraid, we listen to sad music to cry, and we watch porn to cum. We even Love to play games like the sims, where we create characters and live their lives out. We do the same thing with ourselves. 
We pretend to be "Jon Q. Williams" from "Omaha, NE" who is an "engineer" and is a "family man" who is "56 years old" and has "heart disease" and has "a good sense of humor". It's just a character that we pretend to be. We like our characters so much that we refuse to wake up from our role. The truth is anyone who is "enlightened" is just someone who didn't like to wear any costumes or masks. They found it more fun to just be authentically and unapologetically themselves, so they gave up all their masks, woke up from the collective dream and realized they were "enlightened" all along. Realizing "enlightenment" isn't luck, it isn't a divine gift from God, it isn't something you can even attain. There is nothing anyone can do to achieve "enlightenment". It is simply our natural state that can't be expressed using words from the collective dream of humans. 
It's like trying to tell our favorite character that they are only a character in a movie and they aren't real. For starters we have no way to talk to a fictional character, and secondly even if we could communicate with the character, they would refuse to believe us. They would be convinced that they were in fact real. To the character, the bullet that shot them would feel pretty real, the pain they felt would feel real to them, since the character did feel the pain. That's why people in the dream can't understand what it means that they are dreaming. They are too attached to the character they created; they don't want to let go of their character. 
As long as you like your character that you created for yourself you will stay in the dream as that character. If you decide you don't feel like playing your character anymore you could change characters but still stay in the dream. It's only when you get sick of playing characters all together can you wake up from the dream, there will be nothing left to hold you to it. The truth is we all Love our characters that we created for ourselves, if we didn't, we would immediately wake up and realize "enlightenment". Christ says to give up everything and everyone and follow me, for most of us that is an impossible task, we Love our characters way too much. 
Do you want to wake up? Do you want to be "enlightened"? Cast off your character and throw away all your masks. Give up everything, give up yourself. Die before you die, simply means slaughter your character that you created for yourself before your earthly physical body dies. You don't have "trauma" your character does. You aren't a "victim" your character is. You aren't "ugly" your character is. You aren't "stupid", your character is. You are not "broken", your character is. There is nothing "wrong" with you, there is plenty wrong with your character. Our characters have a lot of flaws, we overcomplicate our characters with too many backstories and side quests and become overwhelmed, which leads to stress, anxiety, depression, and even suicide.
Synchronicities are seeing past our character and into the real world. Think of synchronicities as your favorite movie character being able to get a glimpse outside the television into our world for just an instant and seeing something in our world that seems to synchronize with the characters world. The reason the characters world seems to synchronize with our world is because the characters world comes from our world, the characters world can only exist in our world so obviously it's going to be synchronized. When we see synchronicities, it's because we're getting a glimpse into the real world. to us it appears to be a synchronicity but it's simply our character becoming aware of the real world and seeing past the illusion of being that character. Our characters can even use synchronicities as part of the role we play, anything about you that can be explained using words is just part of your character that you created for yourself. The real you can't be explained using words. The real you isn't a character, the real you doesn't have any masks, the real you is holy, perfect, and eternal. 
Some characters are "angry and bitter", some are "nice and polite", some are "loud and like to be seen" some are "sensitive and insecure", and others are "evil and filled with hate". I've got to say, everyone is so cute walking around everyday trying to make sure no one finds out their secret, which is the same secret as everyone else, that we're all just pretending to be who we are. Once you get rid of the attachment to your character, you're able to be any character that you want to be and not become attached to it. Being "enlightened" is like the character in the movie realizing that they are just a character and waking up only to realize they were the actor in the real world all along.
I Love all of your characters so much; you are all so cute and you are all doing such a great job playing your roles. Keep playing your character as long as you want, when you get bored of it just cast it aside and you'll wake up to your true self. I Love You All So Very Much, and Peace Be With You!

Astral Realm


Wake Up!