
Dear Friend,
You've been on my mind so much lately. I wanted to write you a letter to help you when you have those days where you feel hopeless, helpless, and just plain alone. The first thing you need to do is remind yourself that you are not alone. I am your friend, and I am always here, anytime you want to be with me, just read my letter and here I'll be again. I never leave you, even when you aren't reading my letter, I'm still in your memory and you have access to me anytime you want. Anytime you feel alone, think of your me, who is your friend and who Loves you and there I'll be waiting patiently.
If you have a day where you feel like you just can't go on anymore. Everything feels completely hopeless and pointless, and your mind starts thinking about what it would be like to not be alive anymore, so you don't have to feel this pain anymore. When you reach that point where you just want to give up and say fuck it. I have a huge favor to ask of you. I know it's kinda messed up for me to be asking you for a favor when you are feeling like ending it all. If anything, I should be doing you the favor, but I guess I'll have to owe you one.
The favor I ask of you is when you reach that point of giving up. Don't end things until you do me the favor of giving yourself some time to think about what would make you want to live. What would make you happy. Right now, you are thinking of all the reasons you don't want to live and so you see no reason to live. If you had a billion dollars and could do anything you want, what would you do? If you could be anyone you want to be, who would you be? What would give you enough joy to make life livable? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
What would give you a reason to live? What would give your life purpose and meaning? Just think about these questions and answer them honestly to yourself, there are no right or wrong answers. Whatever answers you come up will be your answers, they will be your decisions, they will be authentic and genuine, and they will be coming from your true self. They won't be coming from anyone who is trying to control you or manipulate you, they won't be coming from someone who is trying to push their beliefs onto you. They will be from you, and they will be your truth. No one else's opinion matters for these questions.
You may find that you are unable to answer some of the questions. You may not be able to answer any of the questions. Maybe it just never occurred to you to even ask yourself those questions. I myself miss the simplest questions staring me right in the face, it's part of what makes us human. 
So, I ask, no, I beg of you, as a huge favor to me, DON'T DO ANYTHING until you answer these questions. That is all I ask of you, take your time, think about the questions as long as you need to in order to come up with answers that seem right to you, but don't do anything until you answer them. You'll know when you have the right answers. Don't think about what other people want from you or what other people want you to be, don't think about what you can and can't do. The rules of life don't apply to these questions, you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want in these questions. I'm not asking you to do anything but answer the questions. Just answer the questions honestly and the favor is done and then I will owe you one if you decide to stick around and I really hope you do. I and the world would miss you. You are Loved! Read this letter every time you're feeling like you can't go on and do ever do anything until you answer these questions. So, you don't need to search through the letter for the questions I'll relist them down below. Love and Peace friend!

"Don't worry about a thing
'Cause every little thing is gonna be alright"
Singing, "Don't worry about a thing
'Cause every little thing is gonna be alright!"

~ Bob Marley

  1. If you had a billion dollars and could do anything you want, what would you do?
  2. If you could be anyone you want to be, who would you be?
  3. What would give you enough joy to make life livable? 
  4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  5. What would give you a reason to live? 
  6. What would give your life purpose and meaning?

Life Explained Through Music


The Illusion Of Fear