
Our physical forms a.k.a. our bodies, live in time while in this world. Time is perceived as linear to the physical form. There appears to be a beginning to time and an end to time (birth and death). We all see the effects of this every day, we start as babies, grow into children, teens, young adults, middle aged adults, senior citizens, and finally death. This physical world is life and death, everything will die in this physical world. The individual's physical death does not equate to the death of everything else. Therefore, since one individual death does not equate all death, we can infer there is no death, since all life is part of the same universe.
Since we perceive the concept of time, that means that either (A) Time exists and it has a clear beginning and a clear end in which it can be measured or (B) Time does not exist as anything other than a concept of the mind and is timeless / infinite. If option (A) were correct that would mean, we would be able to calculate the beginning of time and the end of time. Since all we have is theories about when time began or when it will end, we currently have no way of calculating time. 
If option (B) is correct, eternity goes infinitely into the future which also means eternity goes infinitely into the past. Since eternity is timeless/endless, meaning there is no beginning and no end, that means the dead center of eternity is now. The Halfway point of eternity is now. We are directly in the middle of an endless future and an endless past. The catch being that there is no past and there is no future, there is only now because now is all there is in eternity. All there can ever be is now in eternity. You cannot travel forward or backward in eternity. Time travel is impossible, there is only now and now is all there will ever be. There will never be an "after" eternity or a "before" eternity, therefore all there ever is, is now. Eternity cannot be comprehended anywhere but where it is which is now. Eternity is now, Eternity can be witnessed, Eternity can be observed.
Where we screwed up was putting ourselves in “time”. Time doesn’t exist, it’s a mathematical impossibility, infinity is incalculable, you cannot move through infinity, infinity is endless. You can only be right now in the dead center of infinity. When we put ourselves in “time” we needed to come up with a way of measuring time so we came up with time being A.D. and B.C, so we believe that we are moving through “time” and it’s the year 2023 and next year will be 2024 and so on and so forth forever but that is impossible when referring to an infinite number. We can only be now we can’t move forward in “time”. If time were real there would be a defined, calculated beginning, which in turn means there would also be a defined calculated end. Essentially meaning keeping track of time would be more of a clock running down until the end of time. A doomsday clock so to speak.
From our experience people seem to be born and die but we are living in the middle of eternity, and we can only ever live in the now of eternity, which applies to every individual. When someone dies that means they don’t stop existing because if they did, so would all of eternity and therefore existence. So, when an individual comes into eternity that means eternity/existence/universe all come into being with that individual, and when that individual leaves, eternity/existence/universe go out of existence with that individual, and that applies to everyone all together at the same time. 
We all exist and also don’t exist simultaneously; we got all mixed up because we have brains smart enough to comprehend something isn’t right but at the same time is exactly how it’s meant to be. Since we exist (physically) and we don’t exist (ego/identity) we get confused and, in that confusion, attempt to attack each other not realizing that we are only fighting ourselves which is all part of eternity. We are all part of the eternal universe; we can’t be anything but. Look at it this way, no one ever dies, and no one is ever born, we all exist and don’t exist together at the same time. Everything is a manifestation of eternity. There is no theoretical "future eternity" as that is an impossibility. We are all living in eternity right now, we're just to blind to see it.
If you believe in God, you probably also believe that God is eternal, and he created life "in the beginning". Pretty much every culture and religion on earth has an origin story. If there were a beginning there would also be an end, you can't have a beginning without an end. We can't have a beginning and then be taken out of "time" to be put into eternity because as soon as you leave "time" and go into eternity, there no longer is a beginning of time. Since there is no longer a beginning to time, that means we would all just cease to exist in an instance, since there was never a beginning in which we were created. If we consider the fact that we are already in eternity, since we do exist, if begs the question of why are we waiting for a future imagined nonexistent eternity when we are already in eternity? The "future" eternal "heaven" is right now, if we choose to see it and believe it. The "future" eternal "hell" is also right now, which is where the majority of us live. "Heaven" is living in the now. "Hell" is living in the imaginary "future" or "past".
In conclusion, if there was a beginning, there will also be an end, you can't have one without the other, they go together. If we are in eternity, there is no "future" where we all go to "heaven" or "hell". Either this will all end one day, or this is eternity now. You decide which you believe. If there is an end, then enjoy this life while you're here, if we are in eternity, enjoy that too because what else can you do? It's not like you can leave eternity. Love and Peace!

Fate Vs. Choice

