Intellectual “Disability”

The world of human is the world of the "ego", where everything is made up and nothing matters. We humans have all these rules about what makes us human and what doesn't. If you don't fit into the tiny definition of "human" you become an outcast from society. We humans are so caught up in the "rules" of being human, that we forget that simply being in a human body is what makes us human. The majority of the human population doesn't want to wake up from the dream we're living in, so we suppress, silence, or kill anyone who shows any signs of not wanting to be part of the human game that we made up.
If someone decides that pretending the rules of being human just isn't worth the headache anymore and decides to withdrawal from society, they are labeled a lunatic, a good for nothing bum, or just plain ignored. We fear waking up from our collective dream so much that we are even willing to kill off those of us who don't make the cut of being human.  Some of us choose to have our children tested for any type of "disabilities" while still in the womb, if we don't like what we discover, we abort the child (This post is not about the morality of abortion). Instead of recognizing that fetus will be a human someday and of whom there will be absolutely nothing wrong with, we decide to not even give that human a chance at life. They would just be too much of a hassle, who wants to deal with a human who needs some extra Love and attention.
Humans with intellectual "disabilities" are still human. Plain and simple. No other living species on earth test their offspring for "defects" before having them. Everything in nature that produces offspring allows nature to play out on its own. If an offspring in the natural world isn't strong enough to survive outside the womb, nature has its way, and the offspring doesn't survive. Death is part of life in this world. We humans want to control everything including death. Can't we see we're just grasping at straws. 
Humans on the autism spectrum are classified as neurodivergent which is defined as an individual who displays atypical development or behavior. As opposed to neurotypical which is defined as an individual with normal brain development and functioning. It's right there in the definition, we just ignore it. Humans who are on the autism spectrum aren't "normal". There is absolutely nothing wrong with people who are neurodivergent, they are human the same as everyone else, but since neurodivergent humans don't display typical "normal" human behavior, there must be something wrong with them. Whenever humans break free from the collective human dream, we humans "separate" them from the rest of humanity so they don't fuck up the dream.
Why are so many of us scared of humans with "disabilities", whether it be mental or physical? We are all human, beyond that we are all Mammels, beyond that we are all animals, beyond that we are all life. Isn't this something we all learned about in science class? Why do we choose to ignore the fact that we are part of this world and not above this world. We are so convinced that "normal" "typical" humans are all that exist in this world and everything else is for our pleasure. We are systematically trying to kill anyone who doesn't fit the "normal" definition of human. If we can't kill someone, we find a way to hide them away from the world, whether it be prison, psychiatric hospital, or poverty. Wouldn't take much thought to find hundreds of examples of this happening. The most extreme cases are considered genocide. For most of us genocide is not ok, but killing off an individual here and there is usually accepted and ignored.
Genocide didn't just disappear, humans just got better at hiding it. Most of us would look at a past genocide and try to learn how to not let that happen again. We look at it as "what went wrong?", "how could it have been prevented?", or "how do we stop this from happening again?". Have you ever considered that there are people who want to commit genocide and are also learning from past genocides. They are viewing past genocides as "how did they get caught?", "what did they do wrong?", and "how can I succeed where other failed?". Genocide still happens all over the world, we just put different words on it and suddenly it disappears. We call it war, famine, poverty, or really any word that isn't genocide. 
Humans have gotten better at hiding genocide, so much so that some countries still openly commit genocide by forced sterilization. It's genocide if you kill a lot of people now, but sterilize them so there can be no more in the future and all of a sudden it's fine. That's still genocide, we just don't see the results until the future. Genocide is still genocide even if it happens in the future. The collective egoic dream of humanity wants to extinguish anyone who doesn't fit the description of being "normal".
If you have an intellectual "Disability", there is nothing wrong with you, you are still human and fuck anyone who tells you otherwise. Anyone who tells you that you are anything less than life and Love itself is only trying to bring you down to make themselves feel better about who they think they are, it's not personal. The world would be a hell of a lot more interesting and probably more fun if there were more of us who had intellectual "disabilities". I Love You and Peace Be With You!

Heaven And Hell


Knowledge Is Free