
I see you in the brightest pastel colors of the sunset as the world becomes engulfed in perfect alignment with our soul

I dream of you night after night, I long for you while I am awake, always with me, always in my mind, never ceasing, never relenting, never surrendering
When given the pleasure to indulge in your sweet aroma, I inhale every molecule of your scent as to merge our essence into one

Time and space have no significance to us, our Love flows beyond all that is and all that ever was

Our Love extends beyond these forms that we call home in to the marrow

None of the illusions that surround us can ever crack the foundation of our Love, for we see past all of them as our souls are one

The slightest glimpse of your lips turned towards the heavens from the joy that overflows your heart, is enough to stop mine forever more

One instant with you is an eternity of pure bliss, one instant without you is enough to drive one mad with utter insanity

Passion flows from the depths of my soul for you out of the well that your Love replenishes

I long for your embrace, I yearn for your presence, I am in awe of you

Take me, engulf me with your Love, I long for nothing else, I wish for nothing else than to be one with you forever, no more the two, just one

Thought no more, sorrow no more, pain no more. Nothing except for everlasting peace floating in a cloud of Love



Is Knowledge Reliable?