I Am Yours

My soul whispers of your grace.
My heart flutters from your forgiveness.
My stomach endures infinite butterflies within your presence.
The gentle kiss of your breath on my body.
The passion hidden within the heat wave.
The storms that rejuvenate my essence. 
The bitter winter being a simple reminder that your Love is never ending.
For I know my desire for you will only grow with every cold night.
When I come wondering out of the winter into the garden on a beautiful spring day,
there you will be waiting with open arms only to tell me that you never left me.
You were with me when I thought I was all alone and had no one.
You carried me when I didn’t think I had the strength to keep going.
When I was ready to give up and give in, it was you who kept encouraging me.
My breath is yours, take it and return it full of your Love, if it be your will. 
I am forever yours.

The Illusion Of Fear


The Message