
Sexuality isn't a moral issue. Humans have turned sexuality into a moral issue for purposes of manipulation and control. All morals come from an illusion, the illusion that there is something "wrong" with you. Since there is something "wrong" with you, that must mean there is something you can do to "fix yourself". When there is something that you can do to fix yourself that also implies that you can do the opposite which is to "make yourself worse", as a result you get morals. Since you believe that there is "something wrong with you", you believe in morals, and since you believe in morals, you're always trying to "fix yourself".
Since sexuality is believed to be a "moral" issue, when it is in fact a natural function of nature, it causes nothing but headaches for the majority of us. We suppress our sexuality, we are ashamed of our sexuality, and we tell others what their sexuality should be. Sexuality has become such a major "moral" issue that it's all most of us can think about. We spend our lives either chasing sex or hiding from it.
Those of us who suppress our sexuality, tend to be angry and bitter. Those of us who are hypersexual tend to never be satisfied, always wanting more. Both views are two extremes of the same issue. You are most content in life when you are able to meet the two issues in the middle. Find the common ground, the answer to all the sexual issues we face today is to simply stop calling it a "moral" issue and treat it the same way we treat sleeping, eating, and hydrating. Sex a is normal and natural human process. Don't suppress sex and don't overindulge in sex, simply allow it to happen as it happens. That does not mean it is ever ok to touch another person without their permission. It is never ok to touch another person without their permission, we have no idea where someone is coming from or what is in their past and we have no idea how touch effects them, so we should always ask before touching anyone in anyway.
Aside from being humans, we are also Mammels. Why is sex only a moral issue for the human species of mammals but not for any other mammal species? It's because our beliefs tell us that sex is a moral issue. Where do those beliefs come from? Who told you your beliefs? Where did you read you beliefs? How do you know your beliefs to be true aside from someone else told you that it was true? Just have faith, right? Have faith that what you believe to be true; is in fact true... but what're wrong??

Child sexual predators tend to act in the same manner with their victims. The same pattern gets repeated time and time again and used by all predators. The predator will tell the child that if the child tells anyone what happened that the child will be the one to get in trouble and no child wants to get into trouble. So out of fear the child doesn't speak of the sexual assault that took place. Since the child doesn't speak about the assault with anyone, out of fear, the child starts to believe that they in fact did something "wrong". If the child had talked to someone about the assault, someone could've explained to the child that they did nothing wrong and will not get in trouble. The child could then see the truth of the situation as opposed to what they believed to be true. Because the child had "faith" that they knew what happened, the child usually develops anxiety, depression, or PTSD. If the child had been able to see the truth, they could've worked through the emotions of the incident instead of repressing them.
When someone instructs you to "just have faith", it's because they fear you finding the truth. Each individual has their own motivations for keeping you from finding out the truth for yourself. Some are afraid of the truth themselves and find it easier to just have faith as opposed to looking for the truth, is seems easier on the surface but it only leads to confusion. Some want you to "just have faith" because they are getting something from you, it could be money, it could be your time, it could be to have more followers, or it could be your presence. 
Everyone has the same choice; we can decide to "just have faith" or we can choose to seek the truth for ourselves. If we choose to "just have faith" and not question any of our beliefs that's fine, but we could always ask ourselves, "why do I need to have faith, and who's telling me that I need to?" Look at the persons actions that is telling you to "just have faith" don't listen to the words that they are speaking, look at their actions. Actions hold way more weight than words. Watch someone's actions and you will know who they are. Words can't be trusted, not because we all lie, but simply because we all have our own truth. We all have our own truth based on our personal opinions and beliefs, someone may tell you their truth, but it may not be your truth. Don't put so much energy into interpreting words, put your energy into interpreting actions. I Love You and Peace Be With You!

Sax Man


7 “Deadly” Sins