Life Explained Through Music

Music is a living eternal being. Life is also a living eternal being. Music and life are two different versions of the same living eternal beings. Music being feminine and life being masculine. Music and life are intertwined in a mystical holy union for all of eternity. In this discussion we are going to explore how to come to see this for yourself, how it all works, and where you fit into it all. 
Music is a powerful, patient, kind, Loving being. Life is very hesitant and slow moving, which is why music's patience is so vital. Life can be fragile at times and that's when music's power and might come in handy. Sometimes life can feel cruel or evil and music steps in with her kindness to even things out. Life is a loving being in the same way that music is, the only difference between them is that life doesn't know it's a Loving being yet while music has always known that both she and him are. As mentioned earlier life is a little slower and very hesitant. Life will realize that it is a Loving being eventually and until that day music just keeps being herself and enjoying the company of life until he comes to completeness. Another way of saying it is, music has always been complete in her wholeness, while as life has to form, grow, and evolve in order to be complete. 
Most aren't able to see the entirety of music and life as they only look at one of their parts at a time. We only see one part of music at a time by looking at one sound at a time. Since we only listen to one song at a time and we perceive every song as different, we don't realize that they are all different parts of the same being. The same way we only look at one life form at a time and perceive every life form as different, once again not realizing they are all different parts of the same being.
Music in her entirety is complete, meaning she does not replicate herself in anyway. Life is complete also but as stated earlier life is slow and because of the fact that life hasn't yet realized that it is already complete, life believes it necessary to have time in order for it to come to self-realization. Since we are a part of life and life believes it necessary to have time, we are also forced to have that belief. Time itself is an illusion that life brought upon itself to achieve a goal it believed it had. Music knows that life believes in time, but she can't see time herself since time is life's imaginary friend. Since music knows that time is such a good "friend" to life and that life is fragile, she plays along with life that time is real. She doesn't mind pretending time is real as long as life is happy.
When comparing music with the taxonomic rank we can see how music lines up with life (specifically human) as a whole:
  • Domain:     Music as a whole / Life as a whole
  • Kingdom:   Every sound possible, meaning able to move independently / Organisms able to move on their own i.e. fish, animals, insects
  • Phylum:      Genres / Animals with backbone i.e. fish, animals
  • Class:          Subgenres / Mammals
  • Order:          Songs / Mammals with collar bones and grasping fingers
  • Family:        Verses / Primates 
  • Genus:        Chords / Hominoids with upright posture and brains
  • Species:      Notes / Homo sapiens (human)
The fact that there are different notes aligns with the fact that we all have different identities and personalities. There can never be two identical songs just as the can never be two identical humans, fingerprints, or snowflakes just to name a few. If two songs were ever identical, they would in fact be the same song, not two separate songs. Anytime anyone sings or plays a song it gets changed. It is impossible to exactly replicate the exact same piece of music. There are all sorts of things that affect the ability to play a piece of music exactly the same every time such as interpretation, energy, skill, effort, time, outside factors, temperature, atmosphere etc. etc. 
When we change a song that we are already aware of or "create" our own, we simply become aware of a piece of music that we hadn't discovered yet, like when we discover a new animal or species for the first time. We didn't create that new animal or species, we simply found it. We didn't create that new piece of music, we simply found it. Life and Music have infinite parts. Each time we discover new life or music, it is simply finding another piece of the whole that already exists.
Life can become intimate (one) with music and can reproduce if it chooses to do so. We see this reflected within our personal experiences as a human. We are able to become intimate with another person outside of ourselves and we can also reproduce if we so choose to do so. Everything within the universe replicates everything else, as above so below. If we have the ability to reproduce with each other, so do life and music. Our bodies can be used as an instrument by nature (life as a whole) to penetrate music. Music takes us in and becomes filled with life. 
When we sing or play an instrument, we are making Love with music. We are reproducing in the form of a song. We discover a new song with music. We take a piece of music; we add our own music (voice or instrument) and create a new piece of music that could only exist as the result of us playing with that piece. If we just sing or play an instrument simply for the joy of it, we are becoming intimate with music or in plain speak, life is having sex with music. If we choose to record this new music that was created in order to be preserved for whatever reason we are choosing to reproduce (keep it going) equally how we reproduce children to keep life going.
When we let go and give ourselves up to music, we allow her to flow through us. Music takes over and leads the way. She causes us to tap our toes, to shake our butts, and to sing as loud as we can in the shower. She tells us what to sing and how to sing it, she moves our bodies for us in a perfect rhythmic flow to the timelessness of the universe. All become one and nothing simultaneously in an orgasmic bliss of ecstasy. Time ceases because when we are with our Lover, she holds us so close to her, that we don't need our imaginary friend time anymore. We feel safe and secure in her warm and Loving embrace. 
We believe that there is a right way to play music and that there is a wrong way. We believe that we have to be taught how to play music in order to create a song. As stated above we can't create a song any more than we can create a new animal or species. By saying that any part of music can be "wrong" is saying that music as a whole is wrong. There may be types of music you don't personally care for, and she doesn't mind. We don't like everything about the people in our lives either. Music is perfect in her wholeness just as life is perfect in its wholeness. Life will see it someday just as music does. 
We are life, music is our partner. We are the same as music. We are masculine and music is feminine. Music is life's other half and when we suppress our natural urge to sing or dance or shake our butts off, we are neglecting music. She just stands by while we put our imaginary friend time above her. Because we have an imaginary friend named time, we created another imaginary friend named space since we didn't want time getting lonely when we aren't around. 
We also believe that the space between us implies separateness when in fact it allows the beauty of the whole to be seen. We need space between notes to appreciate the beauty of music. Without space between notes, music would just appear chaotic and incomprehensible as long as time is around. We need space to see the beauty held within the wholeness of life as long as time is around. If we had time without space, life would appear to be a jumbled mess. If we view life as a whole without imaginary space and time, we are able to see its beauty. When life is viewed through the eyes of imaginary space and time, it appears, evil, corrupt, and wicked. Just as slamming your hands down on the piano appears, evil, corrupt, and wicked. So much so it'll make the hairs on your neck stand on end and you may even get the heebie jeebies.
The fact that life is a being that we are a part of it is very difficult for us to see who we are in the whole (life). The same way our liver finds it very difficult to see who it is in the whole (human body). The liver is doing what it was made to do, and it may be aware that it is part of something greater than itself, but it will have a very hard time trying to figure it out especially when it can only see the inside of a very specific section of the whole human body. We are trying to figure out life as a whole when we ourselves can only see from the inside of a very specific section of the whole universe. We don't need to abandon life in order to see outside of life in order to be able to understand it. We simply need look at our other half which is music. She will guide us and show us who we really are. By seeing her in her wholeness, we are able to see our own wholeness. 
Your life is a song. A part of a song won't make sense without the rest of the song. When we hear the entire song, it makes sense. One moment or year or decade of your life won't make sense. Your life in its wholeness is what makes sense. Think of your favorite song and imagine that you are that song. Some people will Love you and others will hate you. Some may criticize you and others may worship you. 
When it comes to ourselves, we take a part of our life and judge our entire life based on that one part or sometimes multiple parts that are mixed up and out of order. We fail to see the beauty of the wholeness of our completed life. You are just as beautiful as your favorite song; you are just as complete as your favorite song. There will be people who don't agree and that's ok. They simply can't see the whole song which is your life. You are the most beautiful song in the universe, see yourself as nothing less.
Music wants nothing but our happiness and she's willing to wait as long as we believe we need. The time will come when life will be strong enough to let go of all of its imaginary friends (yes, there's more), but in the meantime, music will keep poking at our hearts with her Love letting us know that we are safe and Loved and that we are perfect exactly the way we are. Love and Peace!

Life As A Possession

