God - Part Three

This is a continuation of earlier posts in which you can find here: Part One: https://thehangout.space/discussions-1/god                                          Part Two: https://thehangout.space/discussions-1/god-2
God is within everything. Therefore, you and God are one. Where does God end? Where do you begin? If you don't believe in "God" just replace "God" with "the universe", the truth remains the same.
Everything is God and you are one part of the whole of God, just as your pinky toe is one part of your whole. You are no greater than any other part and are no less than any other part. All parts are equal.
Jesus told us that we are gods in John 10:34 "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?". He was referring to Psalms 82:6 "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High". Jesus got crucified for quoting the bible to the "believers" of the bible for claiming that he was God. Yes, he did claim that he was god but he never said he was the only god, he literally told us that we are all gods. 
Nothing is separate, everything is one, everything is God. What you do to others, you do to yourself, since there are no others. We are all one. We are life, generated by Love. I Love you and Peace Be With You!

What Is Love?

