Spirit Is All There Is

The universe is made of spirit. Everything within the universe is made of spirit. Spirit is born through the seed of the physical dimension. This was discussed in more detail in the post Human Seeds. God is spirit and man is made in God's image which is spirit a.k.a. pure divine Love. Spirit has no physical body; spirit is simply placed into the seed of the physical body. Since spirit has no body, spirit has no use for the communication system set up by the body. Spirit in pure form can communicate with any other spirit within existence without the need for speech, gestures, or sight. Spirit communicates directly with other spirits by the direct transfer of knowledge. Since humans are spirits who are connected to all spirits which includes other humans, humans have "discovered" telepathy, physic abilities, and so on. In truth all spirits have the ability to communicate with each other. The physical seed body is incapable of communicating with spirit since it is only a vessel for the spirit within. When the spirit awakens within the physical seed body, it is the spirit that becomes aware of all the other spirits which make up the whole of spirit which is the divine source. 

The physical body which is the seed for the spirit has needs and desires. The physical body needs food, water, air to breath, and to reproduce. Hence the desire to eat, drink, and have sex. Religion tells us to avoid these activities referring to them as sin, which simply means to be mistaken, to miss the mark, or to get it wrong. Identifying with the seed instead of the spirit inside. When we give into the desires of the flesh which is only the seed for our spirit to grow out of, we identify with the seed and become lost to our true nature. We become depressed, anxious, and filled with rage. We desperately attempt to cling to our body seed which has become our identity and fear the darkness of the unknown which is our very own spirit. Spirit cannot be detected by our physical bodies in the same way an apple tree seed has no idea what awaits inside. 

There is nothing wrong with giving into the desires of the flesh as they are needs of the flesh. The body wouldn't be here if it weren't for the needs of the body being fulfilled. There is no sin or punishment for giving the body what it needs to thrive. We will continue to remain within the body for as long as the spirit needs to come to fruition. When and if our physical seed body is no longer compatible with the growth of the spirit within, it is replaced with a new one that is better suited to the growth of the spirit. When we identify with the body, we close ourselves off to the spirit. We block the spirit in order to cling to our body. The universe is filled with spirits and all spirits come from the Divine. There are spirits everywhere at all times. We are all surrounded by spirits since we are spirits ourselves. "Dark" spirits are simply the spirits that we aren't willing to acknowledge. When we hide from out true nature which is spirit, we fear that which will enlighten us to the truth. We are never ever alone; it is only the physical seed body that fears that statement. The spirit finds great peace and contentment in that statement. Peace and Love to all beings everywhere at all times!

Scooch On Over To The Other Side


Human Seeds