Our Parent

I am a holy innocent child of God and I am part of the whole sonship. God as our parent has the responsibility to take care of us, to nurture us, the protect us, and to Love us.

God is a giving parent who longs for nothing but our pleasure. We as the children of God, bring our parent God pleasure by accepting God’s gifts for us that is being given to us at all times. We as the children have no job when it comes to our parent God. God as our parent is who has the job of taking care of us. The parent is always the parent and the child is always the child. God will always be our parent and we will always be children of God.
Jesus came to share the good news that we are all children of God. Those of us who appear different are children of God. Those of us who are “evil”, are children of God. Those of us who are parent less in this world are children of God. Those of us who are in a different religion are children of God.
We are all children of God for if anyone of us can be forsaken then the same fate can apply to everyone. As God’s children we cannot be forsaken. We are all siblings in Christ and God is our parent. Self-realization is the realization that the self is a child of God, and the “ego” is the belief that the self is not a child of God.
Therefore the “ego” believing that it is somehow adopted into the universe and is not a child of God seeks out Love. Love is the innate desire within us that comes from the believe that we are not Loved. The illusion that we are not Loved by our parent God and we will be thrown away at any given moment (thrown into hell). In truth hell is the state of mind that believes it is not a child of God and needs to “earn” the Love of God.
We know the truth, we know we are children of God. We like to pretend we aren’t so we made the “ego” as the ultimate form of self-deception. Going as deep as we can into self-deception there is nowhere left to go but into self-realization. We can only deceive ourselves for so long, eventually we will all come back to self-realization of the Christ consciousness within, the knowing that we are children of God and as God’s children, we need do nothing, it is not our job to do anything, as our parent, it is God’s job to do everything.

Be Weird


The Feline In Me