
Our hands are used to give us what we want. When we want to eat or put things in our mouths, we use our hands. When we want to listen to music, we use our hands to turn on music, put headphones in, or to play music. When we want to block out sound from the outside world, we use our hands to put in earplugs or cover our ears. When we don't want to be seen or see something we use our hands to cover our eyes. 
When we feel pain inside, we use our hands to give pain to others, we use our hands for violence. When we feel Love for someone, we use our hands to hold them, caress them, and hug them. We use our hands to help someone who has fallen get back up. We clap our hands to show our appreciation and gratitude to others. We clap our hands to be connected to music. Our hands shake when we are afraid. Our hands are steady when we are calm. Our hands pet animals and hold things that we hold dear. 
Our hands can give, and our hands can take. We can use our hands to take thing that's don't belong to us, and we can use our hands to give gifts to others. We can use our hands to give joy or pain. Our hands can pat someone on the back or be put upon a shoulder. Our hands can be used to show romantic or sexual interest with a slight tough of someone's arm. Our arms can be used to defend and push away. Our hands catch us when we fall and push us back up after we've fallen. Our hands are simply the means to get that of which we desire. Our hands give us connection with those outside of ourselves. We choose what type of connection we make. 
The hands are tools for our desires. Want to know what your desires are? Pay attention to what your hands are doing. Love and Peace!

The Curtain

