Desire 2

Desire is a wish fulfilled. When we desire something in the present it shows us what is in our linear future. Our wish is fulfilled (future) and unfulfilled (present) simultaneously, which leaves us feeling like we are missing something that we have never had within our linear past but that we will have at a future linear time and that is the feeling within that we call desire.
Desire is craving your linear future self. Desire is a connection to our own linear future. When we desire something whatever it may be, we will have it as promised by God/Universe/Love. If we have no desire for something, it was simply not meant for our path, and we will not have it.
Fearing our desires is simply fearing our future in which we get what we want. Suppressing our desires is suppressing our very own linear future. Attempting to avoid our own fate. We have desires with the lack of faith that we are worthy of actually receiving our desires/future. Therefore our desires that we don’t think we deserve but that we know we already have in the linear future terrify us.
Sometimes we have false desires where we believe we desire something but it's actually part of a bigger desire that we haven't allowed ourselves to believe we deserve. These false desires, even though not real, can and will lead to the deeper desire hidden within. If we desire joy but don't believe that we deserve it, we may desire something appearing smaller which will only bring us only a little bit of joy but not too much like a big screen tv. We may then later desire something bigger like a boat and so on until we finally believe that we deserve to be in our natural state in which we were created which is pure eternal joy. 

Each of us only allow ourselves to be as happy as we believe we deserve. If we have an illusionary view of our reality, we suppress our very own joy. In an effort of hiding this truth from ourselves, we project the suppression of joy onto "others", and we place the blame onto "them" allowing ourselves to not have to look at the truth that all suffering is self-inflicted. In other words, all suffering comes from within, suffering from without is impossible. It is our perception mixed with our belief that suffering is real that creates our reality and when we believe that our reality has suffering, we in turn cause our very own suffering as an attempt at proving this belief.

When we believe suffering is real and we aren't willing to let go of that belief we will always find suffering everywhere we look. We do this with any and all beliefs that we aren't willing to let go of. When we let go of the belief that suffering is real and start to really look at this world for what it is, the reality of the world starts to appear in place of the illusion we have placed upon the world.

All desires are part of the one true desire that we carry within. The desire to be free from suffering. When we let go of the belief in suffering and ignore all the "evidence" that we think we have in support of our belief, we allow ourselves to see the evidence which points to the contrary which is there is no suffering, there never was, and there never will be. All suffering is self-inflicted. All suffering is an illusion.

May we be free from suffering. May we see suffering for what it is, which is nothing at all. May we have the veil lifted from our eyes to the joy and beauty of heaven. May our eyes be opened to all false beliefs that come with the belief in suffering. May we see beyond suffering and find the root of the suffering. May we see ourselves for who we truly are, which is the eternal children of God/Universe/Love.

The belief in suffering comes from the belief in separation or duality. All is one, all is God, all is the universe, and all is Love. Everything is God. We look upon both sides of duality only to find ourselves in the center never having left. Having stared duality in the face we open our eyes to the true reality hidden from ourselves, the reality on non-duality. All is perfect, all is Holy, all is well. Peace and Love! 

Ten Rules Of Love


The Ultimate Dream