
Money isn't real. The state of being rich or poor has nothing to do with money. Studies have shown that "The 2010 study found that money could only boost happiness up to a point — about $75,000 in annual earnings. Beyond that figure, the researchers concluded, money had little impact." Too little money and you're stressed about needing money, too much money and you become overwhelmed. When you have enough money without having too much, that is when you are the happiest. So why does having the perfect amount of money bring the most happiness? It's because you no longer think about money. When you stop thinking about something, it vanishes. When you have the perfect amount of money, money stops existing in your mind.
Clearly there is physical money which is made from paper and metals. That physical money only represents the amount of gold a country has, which they keep hidden in bunkers such as Fort Knox. Before all the gold was rounded up by the governments and hoarded in bunkers and money was created. People traded gold for goods and services, a person would give someone a piece of gold and receive food in return for example. 
Before gold was used as form of payment, humans had the barter system in place. I give you some of this sheepskin and you give me some corn. The barter system wasn't about payments but simply about wanting to help someone who helped you. I'm so grateful for you sharing your corn with me, that I would Love to give you some of my sheepskins to show my gratitude. Somewhere along the way some humans got greedy and felt the need to start hoarding and stealing, that's when the payment system came into place. Humans could no longer be trusted.
Here in the year 2023, even physical money is slowly being phased out, soon it will just be numbers on computers. For all lot of us our phones represent money, we can use our phones to buy anything we want at any time. Everything is available to us with a tap of the finger. Let's say that in the future, after physical money is gone, there's an event that wipes out technology like in this article. Since all of our money will be digital and we would no longer have the ability to access our money, since there's no technology of any kind, we would all go broke overnight. The governments of the world would have to go back to the beginning and start over again, which would mean they would start printing money again.
Humans seem to believe that the number in a bank account equates to who they are as a human or where they rank in society. The bigger the number the better they are, the more powerful they are, the more likable they are, and the more confident they are. The smaller the number the worse off they are, the lazier they are, the dumber they are, the more unlikeable they are, and the weaker they are.
If the world economy crashes and the dollar no longer holds any value, everyone would become equal overnight. Without a number in the bank to tell us our worth, how will we ever know our value or where we rank according to "other" humans? We'd have to find new ways to form a hierarchy. The economic hierarchy is an illusion, it's just a method of keeping the greediest at the "top" and everyone else at the "bottom".
Financially rich people have said money doesn't buy you happiness, financially poor people believe that money would make them happy. According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years. Obtaining more money often leads to careless spending and the desire to get more money, and the greed can be destructive to the lives of winners and their families. Financially poor people are convinced that having money would make them happy but time and time again when poor people come across money by luck or circumstance, it in fact does not make them happy.
Why do financially rich people keep getting richer while the financially poor keep getting poorer? It's because the financially rich don't need to think about money, so it just seems to appear and multiply. The financially poor are always thinking about money since they "need" it, so they never seem to be able to find money, it's always so elusive, no matter what they do, they can never seem to find it. Money isn't real, money is an illusion and when we chase an illusion, we are basically beating ourselves over the head. Financially rich people don't think about the illusion of money, so it just shows up, they know it's not real and it's just a concept, so they don't care.
When someone tells you they know an easy way you can make money fast and for just a little bit of your money to them, they are using you for your money. Can't you see that they themselves are chasing money. You're going to take advice on how to get more money from someone who also wants money? They're just trying to get your money; they don't care if you actually get any money as long as you give them yours. You know how they make money? By taking "others" money, they don't know other ways of getting money or they would be doing those ways instead of taking your money. Wouldn't it make more sense to get advice on how to get more money from someone who isn't trying to take yours? Someone who isn't trying to take your money, has no reason to persuade you of anything.
Humans are so caught up in the belief that money is real that we are suspicious of anyone who says they don't want it or don't care if they have it. We believe they must be crazy or have some ulterior motive. How could someone not have money and not want money? There must be something wrong with them. They simply see money for what it is, which is nothing.
I've never really cared about money, I never had any, I've been financially poor my entire life. Money has never done anything for me. Anytime I ever tried to get money or worried about money it brought me nothing but stress and frustration. When I'm not thinking about money or worrying about it, money just seems to come to me when I need it. The universe has provided for me my entire life and will continue to do so until it's time to leave this earthly form. I have renounced the concept of money, and yet money keeps coming to me. The more I try to get rid of it and give it away, the more appears. The universe provides for all of us, and it can use money to do so if it so chooses, the universe can use things that aren't real, simply because we believe them to be real. The universe uses everything real and unreal to provide for the wellbeing of life on this planet. Simply trust the universe. I Love You and Peace Be With You!



Thank You For Being You