Scooch On Over To The Other Side

From the moment we meant we knew we were meant for each other. Love at first sight. My heart melted the moment I saw your face. I was yours and you were mine. I have never known a purer form of Love.
I was unfamiliar with Love until you came into my life. I not only learned what Love is but also how to give Love and receive Love. The Love you brought into my life expanded and grew over time. Our family grew as our Love grew.
Your unyielding forgiveness of me and my actions enabled me to start forgiving myself and those who have hurt me. You taught me how to be protective of those I Love in a nonaggressive manner.
I learned to be curious of new people who come into my life while simultaneously being courteous and kind with Loving compassion.
You never ending youth and playful spirit helped to keep me feeling eternally young. Despite your earthly body growing older by the day, you never lost your sense of wonder and curiosity.
Knowing that you would always be able to sense when I was going through something gave me strength when I didn’t think I had any. It lead to me finding my own strength within.
You taught me to never give up on myself irregardless of however bleak things may appear at the time. That life is worth living.
You taught me true eternal unconditional Love, the type of Love that can’t be rationalized, described, or explained, the type of Love that can only be experienced.
You are a part of me as I am a part of you. Forever linked together by Love. Love flows so purely between us that nothing could ever break that Love. Thank you for being you!

The Bible, A Summary


Spirit Is All There Is