It’s All For You

Every word ever spoken was a message to you. Every song ever written was to tell you who you are. Every thought that has ever been thought was for you. Every story was told for you to see the truth hidden underneath. Everyone is here for you. This universe was made for you. You are so invaluable that all was created for you. You are beauty indescribable; you are perfection incarnate; you are ultimate divinity. All grace is yours; all life is for you; all Love is for you. You are life itself, you are the stars, you are the sun, you are the moon. You are the darkness and the light. You are the destruction and the salvation. You were put here to find your true identity. You cannot be anything but who you are, you simply forgot, but you will remember.
Everyone is here for you, every event plays out just for you, everything within "reality" and "imagination" comes from within you. You are more Loved than you could ever fathom. This world is your playground, it is filled with infinite life forms to keep you company and show you your true identity. When that song speaks directly to your soul, it's because it was written for you. The beauty that takes your breath away is for you. Every sunset and every sunrise are for you. There is nothing that isn't for you. You are a Starseed of Love and Light and this universe is your garden in which you were planted. Everything within this universe is to help you blossom. All the suffering and the muck and the pain is so you can grow tall and strong just as the trees need the storms to make them tall and strong. 
You were planted in order to blossom into pure energetic Love. This universe will play out for as long as you need it to in order to for you to see the truth of who you are. You are Loved. You are Love itself. You have always been Loved. You will always be Loved. You are never alone. You have never been alone. You will never be alone. There is nothing to fear since all was created for you, and all is for you. Nothing can or will ever harm you. Nothing is ever against you. Anything that appears to be against you, is your guardian angels, directing you in the right direction, teaching you lessons, showing you who you are. 
How can you say there is anything to fear? How can you say that anything can harm you? You are still here, aren't you? You haven't died, have you? Death isn't real. Don't allow the illusion of death deceive you. Since all was created for you, and everyone is here for you, you cannot die. When someone in your life appears to die, it is simply because they were no longer needed in your life, you have learned all there is to learn from them. There is no reason for someone to stick around in this world any longer than is needed to teach you what they were meant to teach you. Everyone is here for you to teach you who you are. Don't allow the "evidence" of another's "death" determine your life.
Since you have never died, you cannot say that death is real. You can never understand anything without directly experiencing it firsthand. You can never know "death" until you experience it directly, which you cannot do since there is no death and all this is for you. There is no death, and the only hell is the one you tell yourself exists. You couldn't go to hell even if you tried, since there is no hell. Just as you have never died, you have never been to hell, both are impossible. 
Every religion was created for you, to show you the path to yourself. God created this world for you, Christ died for you, Buddha attainted enlightenment for you. Every dishonest deed was committed for you and every kind act was done in honor of you. All the angels and the demons were created simply to guide you, not to harm you. Everything within this Universe is a reflection of you. As within, so without. As above so below. The changing seasons are so you can see that suffering will never last. The day always comes and with it the sun to show you that you will always shine, and you will never fade away into the darkness. Plants were made to teach you to be patient as you grow and withstand the storms. The creatures of the land and sea were made to teach you different parts within yourself. People were made to show you the Love that you are.
Your body is formed from the elements of the world, you are one with this world and everything within it. You are the universe itself. You are Love incarnate. Love, Peace, Joy, Harmony Everlasting!

Eating Disorder


The Flame Of Life