
In a world where Love is feared, the illusion of hate appears. In a world where Love is feared, hate is embraced. In a world where Love is feared, hated is worshipped. In a world where hate appears to take over, it seems to be hard to Love. Love is feared therefor we embrace its apparent opposite which we believe to be hate. It's so easy to hate in this world. As we look around the world, we believe that we can see hate all around us. Wars, cages, slavery, oppression, and bigotry. At the center of hate is fear. If we were to be told that Love is all there is, we wouldn't believe it. We believe that we can see hate, we believe that hate is all around us, and we believe that we are capable of hate. We believe that if we are capable of hate then so are others. There is no hate, hate comes from fear and fear isn't real. There is only Love and fear and the latter is an illusion. 
Love is all there is. The belief in fear is what makes an appearance in our world in the form of hate. People appear to act from a place of hate, when in reality they are acting from a place of fear, the fear of Love. Not our concepts and ideas of Love, but of true Love. True Love has no rules or laws, true Love has no exceptions, true Love has no conditions, true Love is eternal. We all have conditions on who we give our Love to and we all have rules for our Love. We all put conditions on our Love. We only Love our spouses or partners if they are faithful to us and treat us well. We only Love our parents if they were good to us and always there for us. We only Love our friends if they treat us right.
Many of us find it so much easier to Love our pets or objects than to Love other people. We Love our pets unconditionally but if a person is mean to us, we take our Love back from them. Have you ever Loved a person without any conditions or exemptions? Or is there always an exception? Is there always a condition to your Love? We have limits to our Love, we believe that Love has an edge and therefore we can reach the edge of Love so we put an edge on our Love. Love is edgeless, Love is boundless, Love has no beginning and no end. Love is eternal and timeless. It is the fact that you don't believe that Love is eternal and unconditional that causes you to limit your own Love. Since you believe that Love is limited to you, it is only fair that you also limit your very own Love as a way in feeling in control and having power over Love.
When you free your Love from within and stop being afraid of Love, it releases the illusion that Love has an end. When that illusion is released, all other illusions fall away. All fears come from the fear of Love. Most of us believe that humanities greatest fear is death. The fear of death comes from the fear of being punished. We hope that we will not be punished when we die but we fear that we will be. Why else would we fear death? We only fear death because we fear what punishment may await us after. We fear punishment because we fear Love, we fear Love can and will end and when it does, we will surely be punished for all of our mistakes and atrocities. This creates massive stress and tension which is released on the surface level of hate. 
We are waiting for the day that Love runs out on us and leaves us all alone. We are always looking for proof that Love is going to abandon us. We are always looking for proof that Love never cared. We are always looking for proof that Love doesn't exist. We believe that death is the final proof that Love isn't holding us and protecting us. We look for disease and heartache as proof that Love doesn't care. We refuse to look in the heartache and disease because deep down we know that Love shines from within that pain and heartache. Love is always here, Love never fades, Love is eternal, and Love is unconditional. We cover our Love with our fear, we hide our Love with our fear, we ignore our Love with our fear, and we deny Loves existence with our fear. Our fear of being punished by having Love taken from us. We are pure Love, if we lose Love, we lose ourselves. We fear losing ourselves, so we fear death which we view as the loss of ourselves, the loss of Love. 
We give into fear and that fear presents itself as hate. We use the "evidence" of all that we and others do as proof that hate is real and therefor Love is not. How can there be Love where there is hate? Those of us who don't believe in God simply don't want to believe that God could or would exist that would allow hate and evil in the world. If there is a God that allows hate and evil, non-believers would rather be punished than to worship a God who allows hate and evil. Those of us who do believe in God only believe in God in the hopes that God will save believers from punishment. We fear punishment therefore we need God to save us from that punishment. Every religion is a release from punishment. Get rid of the fear of punishment and the need for religion goes along with it.  Get rid of the belief that Love is conditional and that you can ever do anything to lose Love and the fear of punishment vanishes. The fear of death vanishes. All fears vanish until all that is left is Love in its purest form stripped of all our misconceptions of it.
There is nothing to fear. Love cannot end, Love will never end. If Love appears to end, it is only an illusion of fear and not Love. We limit or Love due to the fear of Love being taken from us. When we limit our Love we believe that it is being limited to us. If we want to experience the full embrace of Love we need to embrace Love completely within ourselves. We could Love without end, we could Love without conditions and exceptions. We could Love any and all. We could Love everything and everyone. We could Love infinitely. If there is anything or anyone that we determine is undeserving of Love, we are suppressing the Love from within and hiding from it, we are allowing our fear to be in control. Follow Love, allow Love to be, and flow in Love and Love will be shown to you. You will feel Love flowing out of your heart in a never-ending fountain. You will see Love flowing out of the hearts of all beings in a never-ending fountain. You will see everything flowing from Love. Everything flows from Love and Love flows from everything. Love and Peace! 


