
As stated in the post mouths, our mouths are for our own self. Our ears are for others. Our ears are so we can hear others. Our ears are so we can know that we are not alone. Our ears are to hear the beauty that is all around us. Our ears open us up to the truth that we are not alone and that we are not all that exists. Our ears remind us that not everything is about us as much as our mouths would like us to believe. 
The only thing that our ears are used for is sound coming in. If we were all alone and not surrounded by all the other beings in this world we would have no use for our ears. Our ears tell us about those around us if we actually use them. More often than not, our selfish mouths are too busy getting in the way for us to use our ears. We only use our ears as a method of enforcing the mouth.
When we use our ears, we can hear everything that everyone is trying to tell us. We can hear the mouths of everyone around us, we can hear how much everyone wants to be heard and how much no one is using their own ears. Ears open our world up to the wholeness of the universe. Our ears expand our world beyond our own limited view of ourselves. The world is a beautiful place filled with music and laughter and harmony.
Ears are the window to the world outside ourselves. Want to know the world better? Use your ears more. Love and Peace!


