Lose Yourself

Lose yourself to the swaying of the trees and the harmony of the birds. Lose yourself to the rhythmic tenderness of the waves upon the shore. Lose yourself to the melody of your heart, as your feet gently flow you from side to side. Clap your hands with excitement, scream at the top of your lungs. Laugh until it hurts, and you just can't take it any longer and then laugh some more. Laugh until tears run down your face, and you become a blubbery snotty mess. Lose yourself to humor and to pain. Lose yourself to the grief, the fear, the anger, the misery, and the suffering. Feel everything as if feeling it for the first time, as if it had never happened before and it's your first experience of the feeling. Experience everything without any preconceived notions or expectations. 
Lose yourself to Love. Lose yourself to yourself. Lose yourself in order to find yourself hidden within yourself. Lose yourself in every moment of every day. Lose yourself and don't look for yourself. Peace, joy, and liberation from misery can only come around when we lose ourselves. We have the most fun when we aren't thinking about ourselves. As soon as we find ourselves, we become aware of ourselves and therefor need to think about ourselves and then we are too busy thinking about ourselves to see the peace and joy staring us straight in the face.
Lose yourself to play, to fun, and happiness. Lose yourself to the beauty, grace, and majesty of the world and no longer have any vision of the world on fire. When we cling to ourselves misery follows us wherever we go. When we lose ourselves, misery vanishes into the nothingness it always was. Love and Peace!  



Time Is A Loop