
Guilt is someone else's idea of who you should be. Why do we feel guilt? We're not being the person we were told we were supposed to be by someone else. If we are authentic and true to our own nature and don't care what others think of us, we are free of guilt.
Religion tells us who we should be and when we don't live up to that ideal, we feel guilt. Our parents create an image of us that they want us to be and we can never live up to that image. Our employers, friends, and partners all tell us who they want us to be. No wonder we feel so much guilt all the time.
We've been led to believe that we need to care what people think of us and that we need to listen to others when they tell us who we need to be. If anyone tells you who you should be, they are trying to control you and are not accepting you for who you are, simple as that. Be you, be who you want to be, and do it unapologetically. Embrace your "flaws" and "imperfections", which are only flaws and imperfections to the people who believe you should be someone other than who you are.
Some may think that guilt comes from doing something "wrong". Who told you that thing was "wrong"? Why do you believe it is "wrong"? Something is only wrong because someone told you so and you believed them. There was also a time when someone told you something was "wrong" but you didn't believe them, therefor you don't view it as wrong. 
Nothing you do is "wrong" and there is nothing "wrong" with you. You don't need to be anyone that you're not, which is impossible anyway. All you can be is yourself. All you can do is your best, even if your best appears to be nothing. If you trust yourself and ignore what others tell you to be, you will be free from guilt.



Self-Destructive Behavior