
A soul is who you are, it is your true nature, the real you. You don't possess a soul, you are a soul. Your mind creates a false identity ("ego"), based on your experiences and what "other" people tell you about your"self". We can't see ourselves from outside ourselves, so we gather information about who we are based off "others" input. We agree with some of the characteristics that people tell us and disagree with others. Our identity is a combination of our "outside" perspective as told by "others" and our "inside" experience. 
It's impossible for you to be anyone but who you are. An example using a physical form would be to think of yourself as a human. You are a human, therefore you cannot possess yourself as a human, you are what you are trying to possess. The soul works the exact same way, the difference is the soul appears to be invisible to our senses, that does not mean the soul isn't there. There are infinite things in this universe in which humans are not capable of perceiving. Humans can't perceive echolocation, yet we all know it exists. We know bats have the ability to perceive something humans can't. Do we really believe there isn't anything else we can't perceive with our senses? How many of us believe in angels, spirits, or ghosts? Simply forms that our human senses can't perceive using our five senses. 
Most of us believe that we humans have five senses when we have in fact have six senses. Our sixth sense is our real knowing, not the knowing of the mind. The mind thinks, the mind plays words on repeat. Our sixth sense is our gut feeling, our instincts, our wisdom. When the mind stops thinking, the "ego" disappears, when the "ego" disappears, the real you shines through. The real you is already here, the real you already exists, the real you is perfect, the real you is holy, the real you is eternal, the real you is Life, and the real you is Love!
You can't see the real you because you are so busy "doing" all the time. You "do" by clinging, grasping, trying, doing, talking, planning, remembering, planning, and regretting. You want to find the real you? Don't do anything, just sit your ass down and do nothing, don't move, don't talk, don't fight anything, don't try to do anything. Let your thoughts just play through your mind without judging them or trying to stop them, just observe your thoughts. Just sit and do absolutely nothing, also referred to as meditate. 
Why do you believe you need to do anything? What exactly do you "need" to do and why do you "need" to do it? You've been "doing" your whole life, how is that working out for you? Have you ever tried doing nothing? Try it sometime, it's liberating. If you want to keep "doing" things, you're only attempting an impossible task. I Love You and Peace Be With You!

Levar Burton


Life In The Trees