
To anyone experiencing depression, this post is not meant in any way to negate your experience of what you are going through. You are valid, you matter.       
Eeyore is the perfect character to describe what humanity is like as a whole. Humans as a whole like to mope around and pretend that everything sucks and there's nothing to be happy about and always being self-defeating. Look around the world, war, poverty, famine, genocide, and plagues all caused by humanity being depressed. It seems as if humans have been depressed since time began, well at least since the time humans have been around. Hell, some of the biggest religions in the world literally have a story where humans get kicked out of paradise very shortly after being created into it. I mean if that isn't depressing as all hell, I don't know what is. I mean, shouldn't I have been personally given the chance to decide whether or not to eat the  myself, why should I have to pay for one wrong decision or mistake of a couple people who lived thousands of years ago.
Just thinking about how we all got fucked over by Adam and Eve out of paradise is making me sad as I'm typing this out. Humans are exactly like Eeyore in the sense that they all believe there are so many things to be depressed about and nothing to be happy about. Just like Eeyore, there isn't actually anything to be sad about. Yes, there is misery throughout the world, but it is all self-inflicted. We all know that it was all in Eeyore's mind and there wasn't anything to be sad about. We know this because the other characters weren't depressed. If life were actually as miserable as Eeyore believed it to be, all the other characters would have been depressed just the same.
The other characters surrounding Eeyore knew that life wasn't as depressing as Eeyore believed. They didn't call him out on it because they knew it was a mental illness and that he deserved Love and respect the same as anyone else. They just treated him the same as everyone else. They accepted everyone the way they were. The other characters in humanities life are doing the same as the characters did with Eeyore. Look around the world, humans are one character, but we are not the only character in this world. We also have animals as characters, there are insects, plants, fish, and even rocks.  We are surrounded by a whole cast of characters in all shapes and sizes. The rest of the characters in our story are all just accepting us the way we are. They aren't judging us for having depression since they all know that it's simply a collective mental illness and we deserve Love and respect the same as everyone else.
Take a good hard look around at all the other characters in our story. What are they telling us? Are they depressed? Are they fighting wars or arguing over what the right thing to believe is? Birds are always singing. When do we sing? When we are happy. Birds are always singing because they are always happy. Look at any dog who isn't neglected by humans and every dog looks like a child on Christmas all the time. Dogs get excited over everything. No one can tell me that cats haven't been living the good life. Cats have literally been worshipped throughout history. Cats are the furthest thing from depressed.
The fish known as Pacus are frequently described as behaving like dogs and with good cause. They can know their owners and like being petted. They'll implore you for nourishment and devour it directly from your hands. Fish have personalities similar to dogs and enjoy life. It's only when fish are put into cages that they become depressed, as a result of human interference. Plants are always dancing with the wind. It's hard to find any depression in the characters surrounding us except for where we have interfered.
Humans are just going through a depression. We will get better, we will heal, we are already in the process of healing. Humans won't always be the Eeyore's of this world but until that day, the other characters will just keep Loving us and accepting us just as we are because we deserve Love and respect the same as all of them do. Love and Peace!

Love Is Who You Are

