
The louder someone is on the outside, the louder their mind is. When we have a silent mind, we are silent on the outside. When our mind is silent, we have peace and serenity. When our mind is loud, we have chaos and confusion. We try to drown out the noise in our mind with noise on the outside. Many of us can't stand to sit in silence, as we feel we will go insane from all the babbling in our mind. An endless chattering of nonsense and bullshit constantly circling around our mind and usually overflowing and spewing out of our mouths.
We drown out the noise in our mind in any way possible. Having the television on all hours of the day. Blaring music. Shooting off fireworks and guns. Making our car exhaust as loud as possible. Screaming and yelling. We have all experienced awkward silence. Who says silence has to be awkward? When we learn to live in silence it goes from awkward and uncomfortable to gracious and serene. 
We fear silence since it means we would have to face the noise in our mind. We fight, suppress, ignore, judge, criticize and compartmentalize our minds. We fear death because we fear silence. Death is the ultimate silence. All the noise is in the physical dimension and when we leave the physical dimension, we will no longer have all the noise in which we rely upon to drown out our minds. Most of us never stop to consider that leaving the physical dimension through physical death also means the mind goes along with it. Most of us just assume that when we experience a physical death, we will somehow keep our mind and all that goes with it. It's an impossibility to leave the physical dimension and keep any part of it, which includes the mind. 
Thoughts come from the mind, the mind is part of the body, and you are not your body. Most of us believe that when we die we will be stuck with our thoughts for eternity. Whether we believe in heaven, hell, reincarnation, non-existence, or anything else, we fear having to be stuck with ourselves and our minds forever. What was it like before you came into your body and your mind formed? Silent. As in the complete absence of thought and/or sensory input. What will it be like after we leave our body? The same as before we came into it. Silence = Peace.
How do we create silence within the mind now before we die? Allow your mind to do whatever it wants to do. Don't fight your mind, don't judge your mind, just observe your mind do whatever it is doing. When we stop fighting the mind and allow it to do as it pleases, eventually it just gets tired of itself and quiets down on its own. When the mind quiets down, we no longer need outside noise to drown the mind out. Some people are able to quiet the mind very quickly by realizing they can do nothing but for most of us it takes time and effort. The effort of just allowing the mind to be. The effort of not fighting the mind or trying to change it. The effort of not trying to figure out the mind's motivations. Eventually the effort forces us to realize that there is absolutely nothing we can do, so we give up effort and just let our minds do whatever they want. When we give up effort and allow the mind to do as it pleases, that is when the real transformation takes place, and we see that the mind automatically quiets itself without any assistance from us.
Humans Love noise pollution. Anywhere you can find humans, you can find noise pollution. When we go into nature, we discover silence that cannot be compared. Silence in nature isn't complete silence. The birds still chirp, the squirrels still scurry, the insects still buzz, the wind still rustles the leaves, and the water still babbles as it flows down the stream. Silence in nature is simply the absence of unnecessary noise pollution. All noise within nature serves a purpose, whether it be for mating, alerting of danger, singing for joy, or any number of other reasons. Humans make noise simply for the sake of making noise and to drown out the silence. If you want to know what real silence is, go to the middle of the woods miles away from the closest human and just listen. 
We will all experience silence when we leave the physical dimension, that's part of being in the physical dimension. We can either choose to accept and embrace the silence now and truly enjoy life in all its beauty, or we can wait until we leave our body. It's a choice each and every one of us get to make. Most of us choose to wait until we leave the physical dimension to find silence, never realizing we can have it NOW. Always fearing the inevitable silence which awaits each and every one of us. Silence isn't a curse, silence is a blessing, all we have to do is stop fighting it. Love and Peace!



I Need You