
God is selfless, you are selfish. You can't have self without unself. They are two sides of the same thing. You (your identity, beliefs, opinions, memories and ego) are selfish, you always want more, and you are never satisfied. God (Selfless Love) lacks/wants for nothing. God (Selfless Love) is inside of you and therefore part of you. You (your identity, beliefs, opinions, memories and ego) don't exist. You are only an idea of yourself that you believe yourself to be. Since God (Selfless Love) exists, and you (your identity, beliefs, opinions, memories and ego) don't exist, all there is, is God. God is your true nature, God is who you are, God is everything.
God (Selfless Love) is within everything. If you believe yourself to be separate from God, you don't allow yourself to see God within yourself or "others". Just because you refuse to look at God, doesn't mean God isn't there. You (your identity, beliefs, opinions, memories and ego) are only able to believe that you "exist" due to the fact that God (Selfless Love) exists. Can't have one without the other. Christ said you are all gods. God (Selfless Love) is all there is. I Love You and Peace Be With You!

Thank You For Being You


The Holy Bible