
I always prided myself in my ability to stay loyal to those I Love. I was so proud of this attribute within myself. I would brag about how loyal I was, I would use my loyalty as my proof of my Love. Growing up learning that I had to earn Love or lose Love. Love could be used as a punishment or a reward. I was treated like last week's garbage and was only given scraps of Love, just enough to stay alive, but no extra to grow, evolve, or thrive. I was trained to be loyal; I was rewarded with Love when I was loyal, and I would be punished by having that Love taken away when I wasn't loyal. I realized that loyalty meant that I would let anyone treat me however they choose to, and I would just deal with it, I would just keep forgiving them, and they would never stop hurting me. When I stopped giving my loyalty, I was punished by losing their Love again. It was only then that I realized they never truly Love me.
When you truly Love someone, you don't need their loyalty. When you truly Love someone, you want them to be happy even if that means that you aren't in their life. When someone Loves you because they are being forced to Love you, it is not true Love, it is a prison. Love has to be freely given, Love cannot be taken or forced. You cannot make someone Love you and you can't make anyone take your Love that you're trying to give them. Most often the only reason someone needs you to be loyal to them, is because they are using you for their own personal gains. When you give someone your loyalty you are giving them a free pass to do whatever they want to you, since they know you will never leave.
Cults use fear and loyalty to keep you trapped in the cult. Cults make you afraid of the "outside" world while convincing you to stay loyal to the cults cause whatever it may be. We are loyal to political parties, and they use that loyalty to take advantage of the general public. Politicians know that they only need do very little in terms of actual change and progress, most of the political environment is simply a popularity contest. Our loyalty to our political party is what keeps the system broken. Our loyalty is our weakness. Only about 20% of Americans trust the government. We are loyal to our political parties, and they are not loyal to us.
I was trained to be proud of the fact that I was loyal. As long as I was loyal, I would keep quiet, and they would keep using me for their gains. No one should be taught that loyalty is a good thing. When someone tells you they want your loyalty they are saying "I want you to take whatever abuse I give you and you better be happy about it". It could be argued that loyalty can't always be negative especially when two people are loyal to each other and neither one is using or abusing the other. A healthy, happy, and Loving relationship could have loyalty. Loyalty isn't required in a healthy relationship; it is freely given by both parties. We live in a reciprocal Universe.
God is Love. We are made in God's image (Love) therefor we are Love. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. When two or more people gather in Love (God's name) there Love (God) is with them. The two are joined together in Love (God) and become one with Love (God). All is Love, all is God. Love doesn't need your loyalty; it is given freely. Love and Peace!

A Game


The Ragdoll