A Parable

A man goes to a guru to find enlightenment after years of dissatisfaction and unnecessary self-inflicted suffering.

The guru says to the man “don’t waste any of your vital energy spreading your semen all over the place, instead focus your energy on your spirit”.

The man does just so, he gives up sex right then and there on the spot. He thinks to himself that he finally found the answer to being an enlightened being and soon he will know all the wisdom of the universe.

Some time goes by, and nothing happens, the man starts to wonder why his enlightenment hasn’t happened yet.

The man hasn’t so much as thought about sex, let alone wasted any semen and yet he feels the same. He spends every waking hour devoting his energy to his spirit.

He doesn’t understand what he is doing wrong so he decides to go visit the guru again to see why he’s not enlightened yet.

When he gets to the guru’s home, he discovers the guru has moved on. With no indication of what direction, the guru went in, he felt hopeless.

Feeling completely lost and scared, he started running through town in search of someone who could help him.

He ran through the town screaming “someone, anyone, please help me, I can’t find my guru, I need to find him, I need to know when I’m going to be enlightened so I can have sex again”.


Mother Earth


Your “Problems” Aren’t Real