The World Beneath Our Feet

The world beneath our feet is teeming with wildlife. Ants wonder around the moss field just as the lions roam the savannah. The ants pay little attention to the gnats passing by just as the lions pay little attention to the hyenas. A bumble bee wanders over to get a drink from the puddle just as the elephants get a drink from the waterhole. All the clovers, flowers, mushrooms, and grass are like the trees and plants in the forest to the insects. The beetle walks around in his armor same as the rhinoceros. There are insects that came in all shapes and sizes just as the animals of our bigger world do.    
There is a whole world beneath our feet that we remain oblivious to. To focused on our own sized world. To focused on our "problems". The "problem" of what to wear or what to eat for dinner are insignificant and meaningless tasks that we occupy our brains with. When we take the time to watch the world below our feet, it puts our "problems" into perspective. There is a whole world of insects below our feet who go on with life as if we aren't even here. To some insects we are just a source of food the same way chickens are just a source of food to us. We are no greater than the chicken to an insect.
We do everything we can to try to eliminate insects. We zap them, burn them, squash them, smash them, poison them, swat them, and despise them. Yet, they remain seemingly unaffected by our actions. We are just as much of a nuisance to the insects as they are to us. Insects as just as vital to this world as we are yet we can't seem to just get along. Insects are just living life the way they were made to live it. Insects are indifferent to humans. Humans on the other hand are annoyed by insects, humans are afraid of insects, and humans think insects are insignificant. 
Insects play an integral role in this world and without insects in this world, nothing else would exist. Instead of fearing insects we could take the time to get to know them and who knows what we may discover. We may get to see an insect clean its antenna just as cats clean themselves. We may discover that some insects like to cuddle and are actually pretty sociable. We may discover that some insects like to play fetch just as the dogs do. We will never discover anything about insects as long as they remain something insignificant that is beneath us that we should fear. We fear what we believe to be different. If we take the time to get to know insects, we may discover that they aren't so different after all and there really is nothing to fear. Love and Peace!

The Plants Around Us


The Curtain