
Our mouths are solely for ourselves. Our mouths are wholly selfish. Our mouths were created for our own sake. Everything that goes in the mouth and comes out of it are for our own sake. Our mouths lack the ability to be selfless. Our mouths lack the ability to do for others. Our mouths lack the desire to do anything for others. The sole purpose of our mouths is for us and no one else. Everything we do with our mouths, make us feel better. Our mouths can't do anything for anyone outside of ourselves.
We eat food with our mouths which is for us to get nutrition, to stay alive. We drink water with our mouths to stay alive. We put alcohol, sugar, salt, drugs, pills, cigarettes/vapes, and all sorts of other things in our mouths for our own pleasure. When we kiss someone, we do it because it feels good on our lips. We suck on things with our mouth as a form of soothing and comfort. Babies naturally do this until it is taught out of them. The words we speak are for our own sake. We use our mouths to speak of our accomplishments, achievements, feats, and to brag about ourselves. 
Even when we use our mouths to tell others nice things, we are still doing it for our own sake because it makes us feel good about ourselves. When we tell others that we Love them, we do so because it makes us feel good, we do it because we want to express what we are feeling inside. When we give someone a compliment with our mouth we do so because we like to see others happy, we compliment in order to feel good inside ourselves.
There isn't a single thing that our mouth can do that isn't completely selfish. The more we use our mouths, the more it feeds the sense of self and the less we see others all around us. The more we use our mouths, the more selfish we become. Why do so many of us find it so hard to close our mouths? Why do so many of us find it so hard to listen to others without having the incessant need to open our own mouths to give them our opinions or solve their problems for them, or to simply take over and make it about ourselves in any way possible.
The mouth is the window to the ego. Want to quiet the ego? Close the mouth. Love and Peace!



When I Die