
Rules, rules, rules. Should we count them all one by one or a thousand to one? Rules everywhere, rules for everyone, and rules for no one. Rules rule our day, rules rule our night, and rules rule our life. Rules are made to be broken; rules should be honored. Rules for some and rules for all. Rules for you and rules for me. More rules for them, since we don't like them and less rules for us since there's nothing wrong with us. Ruled by a ruler with a wicked ruler, who is ruled by a higher ruler while ruling the lower ruled. Enough rules to go around with plenty to spare. 
We have rules for when and what to eat, rules for meat, and rules for wiping our feet. Rules for our hair, rules for our bodies, rules for our genders: what to like, how to dress, and what color is the best. Rules at home, rules at school, and rules at work. Rules for private and rules for public. Rules to say excuse me and bless you. Rules for how to act in social settings. Rules for swimming, rules for sports, and rules for court.
Rules for how to drive, rules for how to bike, and rules for how to walk. Rules for how to behave, rules for caves, and rules for what to do with graves. Rules for dates, rules for mates, and rules for those who masturbates. Rules for pets, rules for cigarettes, and rules for statuettes. Rules for what to think, what to say, and what words not to say. Rules for charity, rules for labor, and rules for pleasure.
Rules from religion, rules from holy texts, and rules from God. Rules from the priest, rules from the bishop, and rules from the rabbi. Rules for holidays, rules for birth, and rules for death. Rules for emotions, rules for spontaneity, and rules for calendars. Rules for space, rules for time, and rules for science. Rules for cults, rules for clubs, and rules for groups. Rules for homes, rules by the H.O.A., and rules from the police. Rules from the government, rules on political parties, and rules on freedoms. Rules on jury duty, rules on tickets, and rules on parking meters.
Rules on homeless, rules on those with homes, rules on those with homes helping those without homes. Rules on giving food to people, rules on homeless shelters, and rules on living in cars. Rules on loitering, rules on sleeping in public, and rules on sleeping in tents. Rules on trains, rules on planes, and rules on busses. Rules on how to wipe an ass, rules on public display of affection, and rules on nudity. Rules on sex, rules on dating, and rules on marriage. Rules we know and rules we don't know. Rules that are fair and rules that are unfair. Rules that are spoken, and rules that are unspoken.
Rules from parents, rules from teachers, and rules from leaders. Rules from siblings, rules from grandparents, and rules from aunt and uncles. Rules from cousins, rules from friends, and rules from roommates. Rules for ourselves and rules for others. Rules for who we need to be, rules for who others need to be, and rules for what society needs to be.  
Rules for concert halls, sports arenas, and museums. Rules for libraries, for movie theaters, and casinos. Rules for arcades, the mall, and restaurants. Rules for movies, rules for books, and rules for art. Rules for music, rules for play, and rules for sports. Rules for math, rules for science, and rules for langue. Rules for words, letters, and symbols. Rules for land, rules for sea, and rules for the air we breathe. Rules for the water we drink and the food we eat.
With so many rules, we can go on for days and days. So many rules, so little time. Rules to rule the ruled who believe they are living with freedom through their free will, even though freedom and free will have rules. Free will is ruled by nature, free will is ruled by nurture, and free will is ruled by experience and perspective. How many rules can we find in this world if we try? Thousands, millions, or maybe even billions. With so many rules, how do we ever have time to do anything aside from making sure we are following all of the fucking rules?
How are liberation and freedom possible with so many rules? How is anyone able to be free in a world ruled by rules? Will we ever be free? Follow the rules, play by the rules, and everything will work out according to plan. Says who and what will work out according to who's plan? Does anyone know anything or are we all just too busy giving each other rules? Who is the master rule maker and who made them the master rule maker? What do we do when the master rule maker breaks their own rules? Are we still supposed to follow the rules even when the master rule maker doesn't? How do we know? What are the rules about which rules to follow and who has to follow them and for how long?
So many rules. Is anyone exhausted from constantly trying to follow all these rules? Is anyone else exhausted trying to figure out where all these rules even came from or why we're still following them? I say no more rules! We don't need them, and we will never ever be able to follow them all. Most of the rules contradict each other anyways so we're always running around in circles making sure not to break them even though we can break some by not breaking others. 
You know what heaven is not? It is not a place with any fucking rules. You know what hell is? A place with infinite fucking rules. We are so terrified of breaking all the rules and being punished that we never stopped to consider that we are in punishment right now by living with all these rules. Let go of all the rules and the punishment goes away. Even if there is punishment in the end for abandoning the rules at least we get to live in peace and quiet without any rules until that day comes. Love and Peace!

Generational Karma

