Life As A Possession

It's MY Life and I will do what I want with it! Except one cannot possess something that belongs to everyone. The belief that one can possess life is a misconception among the human population. Life exists before we are given it, and it will exist after it has been taken away. Since Life was around before we were and will be around after we are, it would be better to say life possess us. Life chooses to come into a body, lives through that body and when that body has worn out, life discards that body and puts on a new body. 
Humans developed the ability to know that our bodies will die and since all we have are theories about what happens after our bodies die, we are afraid since we imagine the worst possible scenarios. We tell ourselves that we will live forever so we don't have to face that fact that we only have a limited time in this world. We created our "souls" to explain how we are able to live on after our bodies deteriorate. Our body is one body among infinite bodies to exist and all of them are filled with life. Life itself is the eternal being and we are all manifestations of that one true life. We are all parts of the whole.   
The confusion that we possess life instead of the fact that life possesses us is what leads is to believe that way also have the ability to possess "another" life. Slave owners believe they possess their slaves' lives. Humans believe they can possess animals' lives. In many parts of the world men believe they possess the lives of women. Parents believe they possess the lives of their children. We try to possess the life of anyone we don't think is living it the way we think they should be. Since we can't seem to control our own lives, we try to control the lives of those around us which just frustrates us even further. It is impossible task to try to control life.
If one believes that they can in fact possess a life, they also believe that they can dispose of life. What can be possessed can also be disposed of. Life cannot be killed, if life could be killed, there wouldn't be anyone to write these words or to read them. It's a guarantee that if it were possible to kill life, someone would've done it by now just to spite life. There have been plenty throughout history who have tried. Some have killed millions of individuals in a flaccid attempt at killing life only to have life continue on as if nothing had ever happened. Yes, individual bodies can be "killed" but it's not accomplishing anything whatsoever when life will just find a new body to go to. 
Why do we even want the responsibility of trying to be in control of life? How many of us plan our entire life out and do everything right, exactly as planned only to come across a streak of "bad luck" and have our entire lives turned upside down. On the other side, how many of don't plan anything in our life and do nothing but seem to always come across the "best of luck", where everything always seems to work out. We have no control over our lives and if we let go of the control that we never had in the first place, life will do what it's been doing all along and keep living. 
All life is life. Life is in possession of all living organisms. No one individual can possess life. Life is beautiful, life is a gift to the individual. Humans have been given an extra special gift by being included on the knowledge they we are alive, some of us see this as a curse. Those who see life as a curse are those who try to possess and control life. Those of us who give up control to life itself and admit they were never in control are able to see life as the gift that it is. Too many of us waste our lives trying to possess and control it and never give ourselves the chance to see the beauty of it all. For the individual, life is meaningless and absurd which we have a hard time accepting because we want life to have meaning and to be neat and organized. When we are able to see past our individual experiences, we are able to see life does in fact have meaning.
Die before you die if you truly want to live! Allow your individual identity (ego) to die so you are able to see the life that you truly are. Life is our true identity, life never dies, it only transforms. You are one life form experiencing itself through other life forms. Love and Peace! 



Life Explained Through Music