The Best Kept Secret Of All Time

Would you like to know the best kept secret of all time? It won't cost you a thing and you don't have to do anything to find it out. If everyone knew this secret, the world as we know it would end immediately. The catch is, you won't believe it, it is such a well-kept secret that you won't even believe me when I tell you. Heret it is, are you ready? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ANYONE, WHICH INCLUDES YOU. NO ONE HAS EVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG, WHICH INCLUDES YOU. EVERYONE IS PERFECT WHICH INCLUDES YOU. NO ONE NEEDS TO DO ANYTHING!
See I told you that you wouldn't believe it. We all know dozens of people just off the top of our head that isn't perfect and what they have done that is wrong. That's what they want you to believe. It's not true.
What's the first thing we learn as a child? Right and wrong. We are taught if we do wrong, we get punished and if we do right, we get rewarded. Religions reinforce this theory by telling us about the tree of good and evil, Adam and Eve choose to eat the apple, they choose to do "wrong", they believed they had done "wrong" and became ashamed. God walks by and is all like, hey guys, what you doing? Like God didn't already know. They experienced shame because they believed they had done wrong. They believed they had done wrong because they ate the fruit from the tree that taught them "wrong". The fruit from the tree was just the idea of "wrong" being planted into their mind. Since they believed they were "wrong" they believed themselves to be cast out of the garden. 
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. - Genesis 2:20-21
God caused Adam to fall asleep. ADAM NEVER WOKE UP! Nowhere in the bible does it ever say that Adam woke up. Adam dreamt that he had eaten the apple, he dreamt the shame, he dreamt being kicked out and banned from the Garden of Eden. The entire bible is Adam's dream, what a mindblower! Feel free to fact check.
Humans are living in this dream and when humans wake up from the dream, they will find themselves waking up in the Garden of Eden having never left and having never done anything "wrong", since it was all a dream. 
Think of what would happen to all the churches and religions if you were to find out that there is nothing "wrong" with anyone. You wouldn't need to be saved or try to save anyone else.  You wouldn't need to repent for anything, having done nothing "wrong". Religion would cease to exist, no more mega churches and millionaire preachers with their mansions. No more church buildings that only exist to take your money.
The entire economy would crash, you would no longer buy products made to make you "better". You're already perfect and if you knew that 90% of the businesses of the world would disappear overnight. Not to mention all the plastic surgeons, life coaches, gurus, and so on would need to find new jobs.
If the world found out this secret, the world as we know it would end. There would be peace on earth and famine and war would disappear overnight. We would be living in a literal heaven (because we already are). Noone would have any reason to fight about anything or be ashamed of anything or need to be "better" than who they already are. Everyone wants to know how to end famine and end war and bring world peace, it's by letting this secret out. How do we get past the issue of no one believing the truth? Some of us have figured out this truth and have tried to tell us. 
No one believes it. Look around the world, it's filled with people who believe there is something wrong with them. That's how ads work, advertisers know we all think there is a bunch of shit wrong with ourselves and they can all sell us the "solutions" to our "imperfections" and "wrongdoings". There would be no need for politics or leaders anymore, why do we need leaders? To keep us in line of course. Why do we need to be kept in line? Because if we aren't kept in line, "all hell would break loose". Since there is nothing wrong with anyone, we wouldn't need anyone to keep us in line.
Crime would vanish and the entire defense department along with all the three letter governmental agencies would be no more. We would no longer need money and cars and mansions and products to make us "better". No one would ever be upset about anything. Suicides, school shootings, and mass killings would be a thing of the past. Gender and "beauty" would no longer matter to anyone. There would be no hate. There would only be Love and peace!
John Lennon knew this secret and he tried to tell us with the song "Imagine". He's describing heaven (the real world). He's describing a world where everything is perfect, and no one has ever done anything wrong. Adam never dies, having never eaten the fruit and only dreaming that he had, there is no death. We live in a collective dream where the world and everything in it is "wrong" and we waste all of our energy trying to "fix it" to make it "right". This is evident in all aspects of our lives, we just don't want to look at it. Not believing the truth doesn't make it any less real. Love and Peace!


