The Curtain

Steve, which is the name I go by, is my character in this world. Characters are how we know who is who in this world. How we tell each other apart. We all have a character in this world, some traits were given to us by others and some we added because we liked them. Some are genetic dispositions. If we imagine our character as being the mask in the land of Oz, who would be the person behind the curtain controlling that character.
From my perspective in my life, I am who is behind the curtain, but I have no curtain anymore, I am just out and don’t have a use for a mask anymore. My mask was my character who I personally identified with. I forgot that I was the person behind the curtain and thought that I was in fact the mask. When I told people not to look behind the curtain, it's not because I'm mean, it's because I was terrified of looking behind the curtain myself. I had no idea what or who I would find back there, it was dark and scary. Because I was the person behind the curtain but had forgotten and thought I was the mask, and I knew that if I found out the truth that I would disappear. Which was true, when I finally worked up the courage to look behind the curtain, I just found myself. The mask disappeared because I quit controlling it.
The mask disappeared but the person behind the curtain did not disappear. It's the same person that could be seen through the mannerisms hidden within the mask just without all the added light, sound, and special effects. Now the person behind the curtain is able to relax and take it easy. Most of the world still sees my mask and refuse to acknowledge or even see that I am not behind a curtain and have no need for all the endless desires of the egoic mask. The person behind the curtain, who I truly am, cannot be named, cannot be defined, cannot be labeled. Not because it would be breaking some law or rule but simply because once the person behind the curtain gets a name, that name can become a new mask to hide behind, same as with any label or definition.
The person who used to be behind the curtain but is no longer behind the curtain and no longer has any use for masks can see masks for what they are. A show, an act, and a desperate act of fear. The person that came out from behind the curtain is able to see how much easier life is outside the curtain, they see how much time and energy got wasted trying to maintain this mask they hid behind. They have no desire to get another mask and going through all the exhaustion of maintaining another one. In turn they avoid labels, names, and specific descriptions since those are all things of the egoic mask. The mask has no benefit whatsoever and they feel no need to feed it in an attempt to make it real.
No more need for shows of size, force, strength, courage, or anything else. The desire for everything comes from the giant mask we all have to maintain 24/7. When we leave from behind the curtain and come out into the real world and no longer have to work 24/7 maintaining our character we can finally relax and enjoy our peace and quiet. 
We laugh at all the time and energy we spent trying to keep everyone believing that our character was real. It’s the type of situation where you realize you did something so incredibly stupid that there is nothing to do but to laugh at yourself due to the ridiculousness's of it all. Then you wander around the real world enjoying your rest and relaxation not having to maintain the character anymore while watching everyone around you hiding behind their curtains while their mask is yelling at you about how they are for sure real but whatever you do… DO NOT LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!!
A lot of the human population has a mask in which they think they are, a lot of people simply don't realize that they are the person behind the curtain. There are no bad people behind the curtain, the mask we control can be good or bad. From my personal experience the people who have had the courage to come out from behind the curtain are a small percentage. Once you come out completely from your curtain you can see those who are still living behind a curtain and those who aren't. You can also see the people with one leg in and one leg out just trying to work up the courage to make the final jump. 
Some people will stick a leg out from behind the curtain or take a quick peek and get scared and go back in. Since they got a peek at what's on the other side of the curtain and got a glimpse of how good it is, they usually become some sort of spiritual guide or something along those lines. They help guide people on the spiritual path as a way to have their own mask talk to the person behind their own curtain a.k.a. talking to themselves subconsciously through guiding others. We all do it.
Since the mask isn't real it has to try to prove its existence in any way possible which is why its greatest mission is not letting us look behind the curtain. The person behind the curtain has no need to prove their existence and can just enjoy life once they give up the mask. Peace and Love!

The World Beneath Our Feet

