The Womb Of God

Christ is the child within The Womb of God. The Holy Spirit is the umbilical cord that connects God with Christ. Christ can feel God. Christ has the same will as God. Christ knows God since Christ is in God the same way an infant is in the womb of its mother.
Spirit (God, source, life) joins with matter (earth, Mary) to create life (Christ, human). Christ is in the physical but is of spirit. Physical cannot be, without spirit, it is spirit that gives physical matter life. The physical universe is the womb of God. Human becomes identified with the physical and forgets the spirit. God communicates with Christ in the womb via the Holy Spirit.
Christ can awaken within the womb and become aware of being within the womb of God. Christ is one with God. Christ knows God. Human (physical) uses free will to choose to believe that human is separate from God and is therefore being punished. Christ (spirit within physical form) knows the true nature which is spirit.
Humans forgetting they are Christ within the womb of God are trying to figure out what God looks like from the outside of God which is an impossibility since humans are within God. An infant cannot look outside of its mother to see what she looks like while staying in the womb. When a baby decides to see its mom, we call that birth. Give up the flesh to be born in the spirit to see God.
When Christ comes to the realization that Christ and God are one in the same being that Christ is in the womb of God. Christ also realizes that there is nothing to be done, nothing that can be done, and nothing has ever been done wrong.  No thing can be wrong within the womb of God. Christ has forever been in the womb of God.
The second coming of Christ is when the Christ consciousness awakens within an individual. The realization and truth that you yourself are Christ. Jesus was just the first, every human is Christ. The second coming of Christ comes to every human, it’s is not a physical reappearance of Jesus.
Jesus has never left humans and is always with humans guiding them and walking with them through the storms of their lives. Every human is Christ in spirit, it is only the false belief that human has “fallen” from the grace of God. Peace and Love!

The Bible, A Summary