The Message

Every religion is different means of the same end. There is only one God, and all religions lead to the same God. All paths lead to the one God. Atheism, science, philosophy, psychology, knowledge, Love, hate, the occult, passions, relationships, math, music, art, nature, self, other etc. etc. etc. All paths lead to God, there is no one true path that is universal for everyone. We each walk our own path and since our path based is based on our personal identity and experience, it's impossible to walk the same path as anyone else. In order for two individuals to have the same path to walk they would have to live identical lives in every way which is just not possible. Even conjoined twins have separate experiences with different perspectives.
Since we all walk separate individual paths, there is no sure-fire way of finding God or attaining enlightenment or reaching nirvana which are different terms for the same experience. There are infinite ways to God and while no two are the same, some of us individuals throughout our history were able to find tools which can be used and help to guide our way and light our path. If we take time to listen to the shepherds and teachers from the past, present, and future we are able to find tools that are universal to all paths. 
Every religious text, self-help book, and guru are giving us the same tools. Religious texts are not books of rules or laws for us to follow despite the fact that there are rules or laws listed in same of them. There is nothing that we need to do. Buddha became enlightened to show us the way and Jesus died for everyone's sins as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:22
"For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive." Every religious text is a guide to help us live joyous and peaceful lives. Religious texts are also a manual if one so chooses to go all the way and seek out God or enlightenment. Noone has to be part of a religion or bring religion into their lives; it is simply an optional path with optional tools to help with a peaceful life.
Each and every one of us has a choice on how we want to live our lives, we all have the choice to suffer or to be free from suffering, to be joyous and peaceful or angry and discontent. There is no future punishment, the punishment is now, and it is only self-inflicted, there is none other than self. Cause and effect or karma is simultaneous. We create our suffering and experience our suffering simultaneously. Space and time are an illusion and only appear in the realm of individuation, in the realm of self, there is no space or time. 
What are the common tools that are given by religious texts, self-help books, and by gurus? The greatest tool we have at our disposal is Love. Faith, hope, and Love. The greatest of these is Love. Do unto others and you would have done onto you. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Since these phrases often get misinterpreted, we will put everything in simple terms. Don't put anyone or anything above or in front of anyone else, treat everyone equally. Your own self is included in that statement. Treat your own self and all other selves equally. Be kind to all living beings, Love all living beings equally. 
Love God, Love yourself, and Love everyone that you consider "other". That is not meant to be an order from greatest to least but in equality. Love God, Self, and "other" equally. No one is better than you, and you aren't better than anyone else. As long as you believe that you are better than anyone else, there will always be those who are better than you. If humanity is a hierarchy, then who is at the top and who is at the bottom? If you wouldn't want to be at the bottom of the hierarchy, why wish that for anyone else?   
Our true nature is Love. Love is the true nature of all life. Humans forgot this about themselves and spend their lives searching for themselves. Seeking Love everywhere except from within. Thinking money, material possessions, or people can give them Love when they already possess it, they not only possess Love but are the source of Love. Every path leads to the same God, the easiest way is to look within, the tool used for that method is Love. Unconditional, unjudgmental, unwavering Love. 
Love gets misinterpreted, confused, and warped into different meanings. Wars have been fought in the name of Love. People have been killed and tortured in the name of Love. People have been abused in the name of Love. The best definition of Love can be found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: 

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is warm, safe, and comfortable. Love is not abusive, Love does not harm, Love does not condemn, Love does not judge, Love does not hold grudges, Love is not better than, and Love doesn't have a hierarchy. All are equal within Loves embrace, all are safe within Loves embrace, and all are perfect within Loves embrace.  
If you want to live a happy peaceful life, just practice Love, tolerance, and acceptance. What goes around comes around. We reap what we sow. Karma is a bitch. Treat others how you want to be treated. If you want to feel Loved and accepted do those things to others. If you want to be treated like shit than feel free to treat others like shit. 
The second greatest tool we have at our disposal is to not be afraid. Let go of your fears and trust that everything is exactly as it should be. Although we can all agree that it's pretty hard to not be afraid when you believe that you are. It's hard to not be afraid when we believe we have reasons to be afraid. The easiest way to stop being afraid is to trust. Trust that there is nothing to be afraid of. How do you trust without evidence? You just let go. It is only when we let go that we can see that there was never anything to hold onto to. We were holding onto an illusion. As long as we are grasping, we won't be able to see the illusion. 
Another tool is to ask the question "who am I?" Look deeply at yourself and ask yourself who you are. Get rid of all the parts of you that aren't you and see what remains. Anything that we can accumulate or dispose of can't be we who are. Our thoughts come and go, and we don't seem to have control over them, so our thoughts aren't who we are. Our bodies are accumulated and change from baby to adult and then decompose so that can't be who we are. Our personality changes and evolves so that can't be who we are. Our material possessions obviously aren't who we are. Who are we really? It is up to each and every one of us to find out who we are, if we choose to do so. If you don't care who you are, meaning who you really are, no big deal. Truth is you already know who you really are anyways, you're just hiding from yourself in order to surprise yourself. Love and Peace!

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Arthur Conan Doyle


I Am Yours

