Contrary Beliefs

Contrary beliefs also referred to as cognitive dissonance are two beliefs that are held that are in direct opposition to each other. Holding onto these contradicting beliefs causes undo stress and frustration. A simple way of improving happiness and reducing stress is to simply be willing to look at and question our own internal conflicting beliefs.
When a group form who hold onto the same cognitive dissonance it creates a collective cognitive dissonance. An example of this would be people who judge, condemn, fight, hate, and even kill in the name of Jesus Christ. While Jesus Christ himself taught only Love and acceptance. Another example would be a group of people who are very vocal and active in the fight against climate change all the while creating more pollution and emissions than the majority of the population. 
The argument could be made that they are just hypocrites when in reality, it's due to collective cognitive dissonance. These followers of Jesus Christ actually believe that they are Loving people by condemning them and hating them. A follower of Jesus Christ once stated, "to love your neighbor doesn't mean you should actually love them, what is really means is you show them your love by converting them to Christianity through any means necessary in order to save their eternal soul, it's irrelevant if some people commit suicide in the process because they feel hated." That statement was paraphrased but you can be assured that an actual follower of Jesus Christ made that statement. Some followers of Jesus Christ truly believe that in order to love someone it is ok to hate them. In fact, it is almost required to hate them in order to love them. Completely unable to see the contradiction within that cognitive dissonance.
The other example that was used was those who are publicly outspoken about climate change and yet proceed to own private jets and yachts and mansions destroying the planet. They believe that climate change is real, and people should step up to do something about it. They also believe that they need the private jets and yachts and mansions. They fail to see that they themselves are responsible for more pollution than sometimes millions of people combined. They fail to see their own cognitive dissonance.
Now onto personal cognitive dissonance. The belief that "I don't want to be alone", along with the belief that "I don't like people". Pretty easy to see how those beliefs conflict. Another example is that "I don't like drama" combined with the belief that "drama is how I get attention". One last example is "I want a job" and "I'm no good at anything". Cognitive dissonance can essentially apply to any belief we hold onto that contradicts another.
We place our cognitive dissonance onto other people as well. Telling someone "Do as I say or else" while at the same time telling them "There's no need to be afraid of me". We can do this with our actions as well. We can abuse someone while telling them that we love them. Tell someone we forgive them while holding a grudge.
Cognitive dissonance only creates chaos and stress within our minds and the minds of those around us. Saying one thing and doing the opposite. Saying two conflicting things. Sometimes we aren't even aware of either belief and they are acted out through our subconscious. Sometimes we are only aware of one of the beliefs and not aware of the other in turn causing our conscious mind to battle our subconscious mind. 
Imagine your mind as a flowing river and when you are at one with yourself and are free of cognitive dissonance there is a smooth uninterrupted flow. Cognitive dissonance creates dams, barriers, forks and just plain disorder. We experience stress, confusion, anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, and anger. Cognitive dissonance upsets the natural state of our mind inviting dis-ease.
What can we do about this? Simply be willing to look at our beliefs and why we believe them. Maybe we are still holding onto a belief that benefited us at one time but is no longer relevant in our lives. Maybe the belief was never true in the first place. Maybe we are holding onto a belief simply because we wish it were true when we know in fact that it is not. We all have our own reasons motivations for holding onto our beliefs and it's up to each and every one of us to figure out why if we so choose. Love and Peace!


