No Mountain Too High

I've spent my life in fear. I could list everything I was afraid of, but it would be a very long list, and no one would really want to read it anyways. I spent my life being too afraid of everything that I just never did anything or was even willing to try anything new. If you asked me three years ago where I would be in life right now and what I would be doing, I probably would've said something to the effect of, I'll be doing what I'm doing now, which was honestly a whole lot of nothing.
Three years ago, I couldn't even conceive of anything that I'm doing with my life now or anything about me. Me from three years ago, wouldn't recognize me at all. In the last three years, I have changed my name, become a pastor, started a website, found my passion for music, started playing the piano, become extroverted, drove across the country by myself, and climbed a mountain. That is just a small example of the changes I have made in my life in the last few years. I have done all these things because they are what I want to do and I'm no longer letting fear dictate my life and behavior. 
I have confronted my fears so many times that it has almost become second nature to me. I still feel fear, it's only natural. When I feel fear, I talk myself through it, I comfort myself, I support myself, I encourage myself, and most importantly I remind myself that I am safe. I am no longer afraid of fear. That was ultimately my biggest obstacle, I was so afraid of being afraid that I avoided anything that made me even the tiniest bit uneasy. Not that I'm no longer afraid of fear, I'm free to live as I choose.
How can you get over your fear of fear? First step is to acknowledge that you are afraid and that it's ok. It's perfectly natural and healthy to feel fear, it's not just limited to us humans, animals feel fear too, just look at a dog who got into the trash or an antelope running from a predator. Fear is nothing to be ashamed of and it can't be stopped. The more you try to get rid of fear, the more it shows it face. Secondly, you have to face the fact that you are the only one who can face your fears, no one else can do it for you. Someone can hold your hand or be an encouragement to you, but when it comes down to it, you are the one who has to walk through the fear.
I can't promise you a fool proof method to accepting fear. I can only tell you my experience. My experience for the last three years is to face any fear that comes up. It was holding a spider to get over my fear of spiders. It was saying something to someone that I was afraid to say. It was standing up for myself. It was being myself and not caring what others think. Sometimes it was as simple as just acknowledging that I had a fear that would make it vanish without my having to do anything about it. Basically, if I want to do something, I just do it, I don't care that I'm afraid, I just go for it. Every single time that I face a fear, I am shown the same thing and that is that there was never anything to be afraid of. I was afraid of nothing. Peace be with you!

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