
Matthew 18:3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Children know nothing of this world. Children aren't aware of the "rules" governing our society. Children have to be taught how to "act like a human" as if there is such a way that could ever be taught. Why are humans the only species that are required to be taught "how to be"? A bear isn't taught how to be a bear, it is just a bear. A mosquito isn't taught how to be a mosquito, it is just a mosquito. The same can be said about all life except us humans.
"Behave", "mind your manners", "sit straight", "respect your elders", "control yourself", "pay attention", "be good", etc. etc. etc. We are all told how to act, what to say and do, and how to think. How does that seem to be going? Does humanity appear to be having a good time?
Children are just children. Children are perfect examples of humanities true nature. Children are content with life, children are happy and peaceful, and children have a heart of gold. It is only when adults interfere with children in an attempt to train them to become human, which is what they already are, that they become "flawed". Humans attempt of making humans more human is an impossible attempt. Can you pick yourself up off the ground by grabbing your feet and pulling? Can you bite your own teeth? Can you use your eyes to see your brain? If we can't do any of these things, why do we think that we can be a better human than we already are? 
Children teach us unrelenting Love and forgiveness. Children teach us acceptance and kindness. Children teach us patience and understanding. Children teach us positivity. Children teach us how to play and enjoy life. Children don't see skin color, gender, sexuality, or beliefs. Children can be friends with anyone. We all started out as children, we were all happy and content until we were told to be something that we already were. The is no such thing as a perfect human and yet we are all trying to be just that. We are all frustrated as hell that we can never be someone that we were never meant to be.
Be like the children, simply means to forget everything that you were ever taught. Forget everything anyone has ever told you. Forget everything you think you know. None of it means anything. Try telling a cat how to be a cat and see what happens. Try telling a ladybug how to be a ladybug and see what happens. Just because we are human, we think they we have the ability to know what a human should be like and strive for that ideal version which doesn't exist. No one has a clue what were supposed to be like, we all just listen to everyone else assuming they all know. If we question that logic, we eventually discover that no one knows what the hell they're doing and were all just making it up as we go. Love and Peace!

The Flame Of Life


Talking To Ourselves