
What is the title Christ and who is Jesus? In order to understand who Jesus is and where the title of Christ comes from and what it means we need to go to the beginning of the story. God created everything in seven days according to the Holy Bible. God created everything perfect, and it was all good and God was pleased. God was so pleased with his work that he gave himself rest on the seventh day. Adam (man) and eve (life) were tempted by Satan (doubt) to believe that there was more. They were living in paradise but doubted God and thought God was hiding something from them. They were then banished from the Garden.

God is Love. God made Adam in his image (Love). Adam believed he was banished from God's Love which was in the garden. Adam had sinned against God, he doubted God and he believed he lost God's Love. God did not abandon Adam or his offspring, they were God's chosen people. The Bible tells the story of God's people constantly doubting God while God continues to provide for them. God Loves his creation which includes man, it is only man who thinks he is separated from God. God tries multiple tactics throughout the Bible to show his people that God is still there. Yet, his people continue to believe that they are not one with God.

Along comes Jesus who was the physical incarnation of his father God (Love). Jesus was a shining example of pure white, shining, sinless, Love. Jesus of Nazareth was the first human to have the title Christ. Christ means the anointed one. Jesus was anointed with God's Love giving him the title Christ. Jesus was the first human who never gave into fear and only practiced pure Love. Jesus (the physical incarnation of God which is Love) Loved the world so much he gave his life for it. Jesus's mission was to show us the good news that there is no death and there is nothing to fear. Jesus became an example to the world as how to live a pure life filled with Love and how to overcome death.

Christianity as a religion has expanded on this with the New Testament which is about allowing Christ (anointing and Love) into your heart to experience eternal heaven. Allowing Christ into your heart or getting saved as it is referred to within Christianity means to let Love in. The entire Bible containing the old and the new testaments is a story about good vs evil a.k.a. God vs Satan a.k.a. Love vs Fear. When humans live in fear they are living with Satan (doubt), and when they accept Christ into their hearts and become born again Christians it symbolizes allowing Love to overcome fear. When we allow Christ into our hearts it opens the gate and gets rid of the veils covering our eyes and leads us to being able to see the Christ within.

The Christ within oneself is our true nature, it is our heart center, our Love. God is Love and we are made in Gods image which means that we are Love. Every person with the exception of Jesus was born into this world with the idea of separation in their mind. Jeus knew he was one with his father, he told us that he and his father are one. Jesus is Love and his father God is Love, they are separate forms of the same Love. When we open ourselves to Love and fan the flames of Love, we set free the Christ within. The Christ within is pure Love and free from fear. Jesus is not the only Christ; he was just the first. Eventually all will see the Christ within themselves, and it ultimately depends on how stubborn you are about admitting it. Love and Peace! 

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The Two Trees