Miracles Vs. Magic

Miracles and magic can appear to be the same on the surface but ultimately are two ends of the spectrum. Not in a "right" vs. "wrong" or "good" vs. "bad" kind of way. Miracles are the disappearance of an illusion, while magic is the attempt to give the illusion, whatever it may be, power. No illusion has any power since it is only an illusion and therefor it is impossible to give more power to an illusion using magic even though we try. Sometimes magic can appear to make an illusion more powerful, but magic in its simplest perceived form transforms the illusion into another form of illusion that appears to be more powerful or different, but it is still just an illusion. A miracle illuminates an illusion thereby causing us to see the illusion for what it is, which is nothing but an illusion.

We say that death is real, we say that we shall all die. Jesus Christ came into the world and showed us death isn't real. He did this with what we refer to as miracles, when in reality he was just showing us the truth and that death is an illusion. Some people wanted to hold onto their illusion of death so desperately that they tried to kill Jesus by attempting to crucify him. In which Jesus just casually showed back up afterwards and casually said I told you death wasn't real. Even to this day, two thousand years later we are still split on this. If we believe death to be an illusion, we believe that Jesus came and appeared to die but never actually died. If we believe death to be real, we say that the stories about Jesus are made up or exaggerated or we say that maybe he never existed at all. Our personal beliefs and illusions don't change reality, no matter how hard we try to make them. 

Jesus healed the sick. This is a miracle to us since we believe that we can be sick which is an illusion. Jesus healing the sick is simply us being shown that sickness is illusion. If we decide to cling to the illusion that sickness is real, we will become "sick" in order to prove to ourselves that the illusion of sickness is real ultimately refusing to see the illusion for what it is which is nothing. Just as we attempt to kill ourselves in order to prove the illusion of death to be real, we spend our lives trying to die, instead of just living. We can go through the list of all the miracles performed by Jesus or any other person, but they are all the illumination of an illusion.

Magic on the other hand is used as an attempt to maintain an illusion or an attempt to make an illusion more powerful. When we "use" magic, we are essentially doing nothing, no matter how much we would like to believe that we are. It is fairly common knowledge that magicians in this world use the "power" of illusion in order to get your mind to believe something to be true that is not. Magicians use techniques such as sleight of hand, misdirection, and optical illusions in order to trick our brains. Magicians appear to do things that we deem impossible using deceptive methods and trickery. Since illusions are not real, using them or attempting to amplify them does nothing. There is no such thing as real magic. Using an illusion (magic) in order to transform another illusion (any illusion) is simply not possible. All magic is the same whether it be a street magician or magick within an occult practice. We made magic as an attempt to recreate the miracle which seems to be outside our reach. 

Something as simple as a headache can appear to be made better by taking an aspirin tablet. This is magic since we believe that we are "healing" the headache by using a pill when in reality the pill just helps us to ignore the headache until we forget about it, but more often than not the headache comes back, and we are left relying on the "magic" pill once again. If it were truly magic, we should only ever need to take one pill and be done. The fact that we need to take more pills and oftentimes for extended periods of time in order for them to works shows of their lack of "power". The miracle shows us that we couldn't possibly have a headache and we don't need any "magic" pill to get rid of it. Headaches are very often caused by another factor, more often than not stress. If we reduce our stress levels, we are able to reduce the frequency of headaches if not get rid of them completely. We believe it would take a miracle to get rid of our chronic headaches and that is simply because we believe that we can have headaches in the first place. Magic always needs more magic. A miracle only happens but once, for that is all the miracle needs. Love and Peace!

Creation Creates


The Chameleon