Human Seeds

All humans ascend from the original human whether it be Adam from the Bible or the first man evolutionarily, makes no difference. Since all humans come from the same source, all humans contain the DNA of all living humans which include past, present, and future.

This means that all humans carry the DNA code of every human including Christ within them. All they need to do is find it and they can attain Christ Consciousness. By finding the Christ code within their DNA they take on the characteristics of Christ.

The method to unlock the Christ code that is stored in your DNA is to imitate Christ as a means of finding the code, in other words, fake it till you make it. Act like Christ and you will believe you are Christ, when that happens you unlock the Christ code and Christs attributes cover you in a wave of ecstasy. Christ willingly shares his sonship and consciousness with all beings 

When you locate the Christ code within your DNA, you take on the characteristics of Christ and are given the title of Christ. Yeshua was the first Christ, and he shares with you the path to find the Christ code of consciousness within yourselves.

Live as Christ did. Love everyone with no exceptions, have no enemies, forgive, don’t condemn, submit to God’s will, give up all earthy possessions, trust in God, and do not fear. This is the path to finding the Christ code within. It is impossible to find the Christ code without taking on his attributes as your own. This process can be immediate or can take some earthly time and practice conjoined with patience. 

You also contain the code of Buddha within you which humans refer to as the Buddha-nature. The code of the Buddha within your DNA unlocks eternal inner peace. You unlock the DNA code of Buddha by imitating the First Buddha within earthly time. Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.

You can unlock the DNA code of any human in existence, within you by taking on the characteristics of that human. All it takes is taking on that person's attributes, the code unlocks, and the characteristics become absorbed into your personality. It is possible to be both Christ and a Buddha and so on. This applies to all humans whether "good" or "evil". That is why your religious texts caution you about being aware of your own attributes, so as to not take on the attributes of Satan which are fear, doubt, rage, lust, greed, and so on. 

There is no punishment for taking on the attributes of Satan, it simply delays the process of germination of the spirit. The spirit grows and evolves when it is nourished with what it needs to grow. In the same way earthly plant seeds require soil, sun, and water to grow your personal seed (body) requires Love to grow into spirit.

There is no limit to the number of human codes you can unlock within yourselves. You can unlock codes of philosophers and great thinkers, the codes of prophets and enlightened ones, and the codes of great people of power and resilience.

Each time you unlock a new code you become a new "person". You become "born again" with the new characteristics conjoined with those already contained within.

Being in close proximity to humans within the physical plane will inadvertently cause the unlocking of their DNA code within you. That is why you are cautioned to watch the company you keep until you have ascended high enough spiritually to not absorb the codes of those around you. 

In other words, surround yourself with people who Love and support you, who encourage you, who want the best for you, who wish you nothing but joy, peace, and harmony. After you have been raised to a higher spiritual vibration you can surround yourself with all humans and no one will be able to lower your energy or have an effect on your energy whatsoever.

You have come to this planet to fulfill a purpose. You are a spiritual being who is dreaming that you are a physical being. The physical world is only but a dream, your science confirms this as does your religions, and your psychology.

Wake up to your true nature, which is spirit. Give up all earthy desire means just that, give up everything within the physical realm and wake up to your true nature of spirit. Die before you die.

You are like the apple tree who thinks it is nothing but an apple tree seed, failing to see the tree covered in apples hidden within trying to break free. All it needs is the right conditions to grow.

Christ and other spiritual beings have shared the news that there is no death. The body is a dream, nothing more, nothing less. The body is a seed for the spirit within. You have become identified with the body and forgotten your true nature which is spirit. The body can feel pain and pleasure because your mind believes it can. The dream is so real to you that you created pain and pleasure within it as a means of reinforcing the dream. In reality pain and pleasure are nothing but an illusion within the physical dream.

You want to stay within the dream of the physical dimension because you fear your true nature which is spirit. Some of you live in such denial that you take several lifetimes to come to this realization. Others among you figure it out on your first go round on this planet you presently call home.

ALL sins are of the flesh. The flesh can sin, but the spirit cannot. The psychical body within the physical dimension can sin. The spirit within cannot sin. When a human kills another human, they come back and live (observe) that humans' life play out without being able to interfere. If a human takes multiple lives, they reincarnate as each and every one they take.

In other words, if you take a life from a being you are reincarnated into that being and in turn end up taking your own life through another incarnation of yourself. It is the only way to learn the true value of spirit hidden within the human body.
Once ascended to pure spirit, the earthly physical body becomes irrelevant, simply to be tossed onto the floor when the time comes like our clothes at the end of a long day. When the body leaves, nothing is lost, and the body returns back into Mother Gaia in order for a new spiritual being to be placed into a seed (born) into the physical dimension. If the seed (body) dies before the spirit is able to come to fruition, the spirit simply finds a new seed (body) to continue the process of germination of spirit which humans refer to as reincarnation. 

You are all spiritual beings dreaming that you are physical beings, and you refuse to wake up to the truth which will see you free. You are all in a collective dream of the physical dimension. When enough beings wake up to their true nature which is spirit, Gaia as a whole gets raised to a higher level of spirit in turn raising the level of all beings inhabiting her.

The spirit requires Love to germinate within the physical seed body. Christ radiates pure Love. Buddha radiates pure peace which clears the path for Love. There are other beings within the physical dimension who also radiate Love. Surround yourself with those who radiate Love and peace and just by being near them, they will inadvertently unlock their DNA code within yourself which activates the germination process of spirit. 

Another method of beginning the germination process of spirit is to let go of the physical dimension completely. Whether you do something or do nothing is irrelevant, you are spirit within a seed (body) and nothing can or will ever change that. The only thing you can do is to attempt to delay the process, you cannot stop it. You are given the gift of free will, which will allow you to attempt to delay the process for as many lifetimes as you so choose. Peace and Love to ALL beings everywhere in all times and places! All is one!

Spirit Is All There Is


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