Family - Part Two

Coming from a dysfunctional family as I described in Family - Part one, it becomes easier to see the dysfunctional family dynamic all throughout our lives. We are one big human family and have split ourselves up into smaller familial groups. We first split ourselves into the familial countries that we live in. We are "American" or "German". Some families (countries) fight with other families, some get along great, some have cut each other off, and some are at war with each other. There is talking behind other families back, deception, animosity, and so on and so forth. Sometimes other family members have to get involved between spats and it turns into an all-out world war.

We then split each familial country into states, provinces, or territories and those become our new smaller family. Continue on down to city, neighborhood, household, and blood relatives. We create families within religions, hobbies, interests, and beliefs. We say this person is my family, but that person is not, forgetting all along that we are all one human family. We try to convince ourselves that someone is not our family because they have different skin color or look different or act different. We tell ourselves that only our "blood" relatives are family, completely ignoring the fact we all share the same human bodies with the same human blood. Blood family is simply different genetics within the same blood that flows through us all, which is why we can donate and receive each other's blood. We even split our household blood family apart, instead of family we say, spouse, partner, child, parent, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, or sister. Anything in order to not have to face the cold hard truth that we are all one family.

We are in a family that is currently 8 billion strong, yet we often feel alone. How could we ever feel alone when we have 8 billion family members to talk to, to laugh with, to entertain, to create memories with, and to live life with. We have family members who support each other, we have family members that help each other, we have teachers, doctors, artists, musicians, entertainers, humanitarians, and every other kind of family member. We split ourselves apart because one family member does something we don't like or because we just can't seem to get along. Maybe one family member just seems to get off on torturing everyone. It's perfectly fine to walk away from family members who disrupt our peace, if a country seems to be bullying all the other countries, the other countries are free to ignore the country that won't leave anyone alone.

There is no need to fight within our own family whatever family that may be, fighting accomplishes nothing except for more discomfort for all of us. It is much easier and a lot less stressful to just walk away with a family member that cannot be reasoned with. The issue that arises is when we forget that we are still family. We start to separate, divide, and compete. Life becomes about getting one up one someone or being better than or getting revenge. All the while were doing this to our own human family. We are one big dysfunctional human family, plain and simple. That is why we fight, that is why we argue, that is why we attempt to hurt each other, and that is why we appear to have the ability to hurt each other.

We have split our human family up so many times in so many ways that many of us cannot even fathom that the human family are part of a still larger family and then still larger than that and so on into infinity. We have a hard time comprehending that the person with a different skin color is still family. Humans are all decedents of Adam or first man. All life descends from the same source which we often times refer to as God. We abuse each other, we neglect each other, and we forget that we are hurting our own family. Since we all came from our one family (God or the source), and we are all part of the same family that means that anything we do to each other we are literally doing to ourselves. Love and Peace!

Family - Part Three


Family - Part One