
Omnism is the respect of or belief in all religion. All religions point to the same God. The different paths to God such as religion are like a bunch of boats spread out on a lake at night and all the boats are heading in the direction of the moon. All the boats can see the moon and it looks the same from every one of their perspectives but the light from the moon is being reflected onto them from different angles, so they are all receiving separate but equal reflected light. Same moon for all boats but different light from the moon. To each boat it appears as if the other boats are going the wrong direction since all the boats are supposed to being going in the same direction. The boats then fight over which boat is right and which boat is wrong when they are all seeing the same moon and going to the same place, they are all just taking different paths to get there.
All paths lead to the one true God. Religions are some of the paths that are available to God but ultimately there are infinite paths to God. Every single one of our individual paths inevitably lead to the one true God.  Some religions teach how to know God, some religions teach the letting go of everything that isn't God, some religions don't recognize a God at all, and some religions worship hundreds of Gods. All religions are equal and valid. God is Love. All religions lead to God. All religions lead to Love. 
The Holy Bible says God Is Love in 1 John 4:7-21 (ESV). The bible gives us an image of God in order for us to be able to have a comprehension of God at all. The bible tells us what God is, which is Love while giving us a father figure in order to associate with Love. Since humans live in world of individual forms, we can't grasp certain concepts without using forms to understand it and realize it. The bible gives us God the father who punishes us and protects us. A father who created us and who didn't always make sense to us but who told us just to trust in him and know that he has our best interest at heart even though sometimes it may feel like punishment. A father who sometimes appeared to make mistakes or contradict himself, but who always knew what he was doing. 
The bible then tells us that God is Love so we start to associate Love with the father figure provided within the same bible. We start to see what Love is, we start to understand how to give and receive Love. We are taught what Love is in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The purpose of religion is to realize God. God is not a form, God is Love. The bible teaches us Love so we may Love. When we Love, we experience God, the more we Love the more we experience God. The more we experience God the more we know God and the more we know God the more we know ourselves since we all came from God. Eventually everything and everyone just becomes Love eternal, the one true God.
The most prominent Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They, alongside Samaritanism, Druzism, the Baháʼí Faith,[3] and Rastafari,[3] all share a common core foundation in the form of worshipping Abraham's God, who is identified as Yahweh in Hebrew and called Allah in Arabic. These religions worship the same God which is the God of Abraham they just have different prophets or their beliefs about certain details split over time. They all worship the same God and God is Love.
Eastern religions tend to focus on the letting go of the self or ego which is essentially everything that isn't pure Love. Since we are all children of the same God which is Love, we are all Love. Everything outside of Love is an illusion that we created in this world of forms. When we let go of the forms of this world is releases the light from within until we see the light that we are. We no longer see forms, only Love. These eastern religions tend to focus more on meditation and mindfulness in an attempt of realizing enlightenment which the release of everything that isn't Love.
Jesus was a poor carpenter who Loved the world so much that he gave up his life for it. Buddha was wealthy beyond belief and knew nothing but a life of luxury who walked away from everything he knew in order to attain enlightenment. Different religions show us that all can find God, whether wealthy or poor. Since all religions lead to the same God just in different ways, there is no right or wrong religion. Just different paths. Love and Peace!
There are hundreds of religious books yet they are all one chapter, there are a hundred different holy places yet only one altar. - Rumi

When I Die


The World I Know