
Our eyes don't deceive us. Our eyes are truth shining through. Our eyes refuse to lie, our eyes refuse to give in to illusions, and our eyes refuse to accept our misconceptions. Our eyes do not allow us to hide our true selves. Our eyes do not allow us to be someone other than who we are. Our eyes speak only truth. Our eyes see only truth. It is only our false beliefs and fears that distort what we see with our eyes. We fear people knowing our true selves. We fear people seeing who we really are, and we fear being judged for being authentic. Our eyes are a direct line to our authentic selves.
When we feel shame or guilt, we avert our eyes or keep them looking down in order to avoid eye contact with others. We fear what others may see something in our eyes that will give us away and people may find out who we really are or what we are hiding. We are afraid of people knowing we aren't being authentic. When we feel confidence in who we are and are being authentic, we have no reason to avoid eye contact with others. We have no shame or guilt and therefor have nothing to hide so we make eye contact without a care in the world. 
When we suppress our emotions, we don't want people looking at our eyes. We all know that people will be able to tell exactly what we are feeling at any given moment by simply looking into our eyes. When we try to hide our pain, sadness, or fear we avoid eye contact. We all know that if we are feeling sadness that all we have to do is to look into the eyes of someone who Loves us, and they will immediately know something is wrong and you don't ever have to say a word. By simply making eye contact with a Loved one, it releases all the tears we are holding within, and we can no longer control them despite how hard we may try.  Our eyes are the truth tellers and can neither deceive nor be deceived. 
The eyes are the window to the soul. Want to truly know someone? Look into their eyes. Love and Peace!


