Life In The Trees

Life in the trees is where it's at. Sitting high up in the sky and encased in a canopy of leaves. There are plenty of handholds and places to sit or lay if you choose. Friends in all forms living in symbiosis with each other. The leaves dampen the noises from the outside world, until they fade away into oblivion. The sun shines through the holes of the canopy and brings warmth and joy to the world within. The ants and other insects go about their business without a care in the world. Occasionally stopping to say hi along the way to their destination. The chickadees stop by for a few moments to sing you a sweet lullaby. A squirrel lays peacefully by on a branch taking a nap. The wind blows and each branch seems to sway of its own volition, yet they are all swaying as one, a perfect system of organized chaos. The gentle breeze blows across your face to remind you that you are alive. Every moment is an adventure, as you never know who will stop by to say hi. 
The strength of the tree lets you know that you're safe. The silence of the tree speaks of a wisdom beyond human comprehension. You become one with the tree as it takes your outbreath and gives you inbreath in exchange. You experience firsthand just how vital trees are to all life forms. You feel the energy pulsing through every fiber of the tree the same as you feel it pulsing throughout every fiber of your being. You know that you are home, and all is well. Before you know it, you start to laugh uncontrollably for no apparent reason. Your laughs fit right in with the birds singing their songs and the squirrels gathering their nuts. Noone in the tree stops what they are doing to ask you what you're laughing about, no one cares enough to notice. Your laughs simply become part of the experience. There is no judgement in the trees.
In the trees, all your worries fade into the nothingness that they are. The human who climbed the tree vanishes until there nothing left but life. Life that has no rules. Life that is not at war. Life that is peaceful and content. Life that surpasses the awareness of itself and transforms into the expression of life itself. Life that is connected to all of existence and time. You start to feel closer to this tree than you ever have to another human. You know you can't exist without this tree and the tree can't exist without you. You start to see the face of God shining through the mirage of space that separates you from the tree. You see that there is no separation and that you and the tree are in fact one being. You know there is nothing wrong and there never will be, everything is as it should be. There is nothing but pure unaltered joy and peace. The world of human that you knew all too well disappears into the ether.
You feel yourself start to float, not the outer physical body, but the inner energetic body. You feel light and free of pain and disease. Suddenly in a flash, the realization hits you, you're in heaven and you've been here all along, you just forgot due to all of your "problems" down below. You know in your heart that everything is ok and as long as the trees are here, we will be too. Loneliness vanishes when you have friends such as the trees. Life is good and you know it in your heart. All is well with the world.



Doctor For The Soul